It’s high time to think of the gifts you’ll give and the gift boxes to make them more special. To make cheerful neon gift boxes you’ll need bright pink neon paint, simple black boxes, brushes and some paper to cover the table and not to paint it. Put the paper onto the table and dip...
Snowglobes have always been a symbol of Christmas, a cool gift, especially for children, and I’m sure that for the most of us it reminds of cozy Christmas with family and friends. Let’s make a simple mason jar snowglobe, you’ll need mason jars, waterproof toys or figures, glitter, glycerin, epoxy or non-water soluble glue, distilled...
For the coming Christmas gift cards are a cool thing, they are necessary! The supplies are instagram photos from your feed in Jpeg format, a cutting mat, a card stock, copy paper, canvas paper, an embroidery needle and thread or a sewing machine, a ruler and a rotary cutter. Decide on the size your cards...
Father’s Day is coming! Despite of the presents we’ve told you about you can make these containers for pins and other stuff and make the word Dad of them. You’ll need a rolling pin, palette knife, straight edge, alphabet cookie cutters, air-drying clay. Make the base of the clay and cut strips and then press...
If your Dad uses an iPhone or iPod, make a cool gift for him – a holder. You’ll need a piece of felt accordingly to the size of the device, a leather strap snap button, a thread and preferably a sewing machine. Sew two straight lines down the length of the piece felt. Now sew...
A nice gift for the Father’s Day may be a memory book – simple, easy in crafting and very pleasant for any Dad. To make one such book, you’ll need to gather 3 pieces of white card stock paper, 1 piece of colored paper for the cover 2 colorful rubber bands, a hole punch, 10...
Getting ready for the Father’s Day? Thinking about presents? If you have already decorated some mugs, this project would easy for you and a great gift for your Dad. You’ll need a white coffee mug, Martha Stewart multi-surface acrylic craft paint- black, foam pouncer, adhesive stencil, some alcohol. First clean the mug with alcohol and...
If your Mom is keen on gardening, you can make an amazing surprise for Mother’s Day – decorate the watering cans. The supplies are a metal watering can, some waterproof Modge Podge, a brush and a paper flower cut- out. Make sure the outside of the watering can is clean and dry before starting the...
We have already told you how to make personalized vases with photos for Mother’s Day and now here’s one more idea with photos – memory jars for your Mom. The materials are stacked apothecary jars, computer and laser printer, clear full sheet labels and scissors. Now print the photos on the labels and carefully peel...
How to make a nice decoration or gift for Mother’s Day? Frog Lids help hold flowers in place so that you can arrange them how you want. The little openings in the wire help the flowers to stand up and make your bouquets look fabulous. You’ll need: 1/2″ square Galvanized Hardware Cloth Mesh, jar rings, wire...