If you’re interested in a practical and beautiful desk for your home office but don’t want to spend a lot of money on it then you should make one. Reclaimed wood is a great material for such project. Such wood has good quality and some history behind it. Combined with some storage units a desk...
Some time ago we showed you a practical $30 standing desk that Apartment Therapy shared. Today I found that they recently shared even more functional but quite similar desk. It’s made of an IKEA kitchen bench cut to the right size and an another IKEA board that hides external HDDs and all cords. There aren’t...
When it comes to standing desks there aren’t cheap products on the market. That’s why a DIY standing desk is sometimes an only option. If you’re working with a computer at home then you probably already know why standing desks are so good. This project shows how you can turn an IKEA’s NORBO wall-mounted drop-leaf...
Children’s art desk is a great thing to have if your space is small. It’s a perfect organizer of all these markers and pencils. The desks on the pictures are made of two cupboard doors and features a hidden space for art inside of them. The main door of each desk has a hinge so...
This desk is one of the biggest and coolest furniture objects made of wood pallets I’ve seen so far. It’s rustic and LONG. It measuring at 12 feet but looks quite proportional. Warm woods against black accents create a pretty cozy home office environment. The desk is made of oak pallets, cedar planks and some...
We already wrote about various DIY desks but this one definitely worth a mention too. It’s designed to support a laptop and occupy very small amount of space by the wall. Besides it can be painted in any vivid color you like so your home office area can become really cool and bright. The whole...
There are many desks for teens on the market but there aren’t as many desks for smaller kids. Those that you can find are usually quite simple but you can upgrade such desk using chalkboard paint. On the pictures is a renovated desk bought for $1. A perfect square on top was taped and the...
Once again here is a project showing how to turn a furniture item from IKEA into something different. Why to bother? Because IKEA’s furniture is cheap while functional computer desks with hidden keyboard trays are expensive. They are practical and allow to minimize clutter on your working space. This desk is made of MALM dressing...
Pallets and things from IKEA are parts of many cheap DIY projects. Would you like to combine them in one project? Here is a computer desk made of a pallet, 4 Vika Curry legs from IKEA, 5mm thick plywood sheet and floor boards. It’s very cheap to make and quite functional. The deck has a...
If you want a standing desk but don’t want to invest money in it you should to consider to use your dresser as a standing workspace. On the pictures you can seen an IKEA Kullen dresser with an iMac on it. Cables and other necessary stuff were put in the top drawer of the cabinet...