Unusual DIY Clear Glass Memo Board

Unusual DIY Clear Glass Memo Board

Unusual DIY Clear Glass Memo Board

This is not a typical organizer or memo board that you got used to. This is an absolutely new and cool idea for those who want something more eye-catching yet subtle and elegant. The supplies are glass from an old frame, washi tape, an erasable pen for writing on glass. Take your glass, clean it. Tape... 
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Girlishly Chic DIY Glitter Laptop Case

Girlishly Chic DIY Glitter Laptop Case

Girlishly Chic DIY Glitter Laptop Case

This cute computer case is right what every girl needs – chic and timeless glitter piece! Prepare Macbook case in ‘clear’, all-purpose adhesive spray, Mod Podge Hard Coat, Mod Podge Acrylic Sealer, 2 bottles of extra fine glitter in ‘Champagne’, an X-ACTO knife, a foam brush. Lay your case on a paper bag to avoid... 
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