It’s a genial idea how to hide your A/C unit and the piece would be not only an A/С but also functional in another way. A chalkboard is a usable surface, and makes a nice addition to any beach house/condo/family living room decor. You’ll need wood, screws and a screwdriver, cordless drill with a counter...
If you a pair of usual shoes and are looking for a way to decorate them – this tutorial is for you. You’ll need baby wipes, some acrylic paint, Mod Podge, two paint brushes, masking tape, a pair of shoes and eventually new laces. Start painting the black on the shoe. Let the paint dry....
How to make a nice decoration or gift for Mother’s Day? Frog Lids help hold flowers in place so that you can arrange them how you want. The little openings in the wire help the flowers to stand up and make your bouquets look fabulous. You’ll need: 1/2″ square Galvanized Hardware Cloth Mesh, jar rings, wire...
Today terrariums are very fashionable because it’ a piece of nature right here, in your home. But we have to take much care of them because of real plants. You can make your own terrarium – a faux yourself. Just take an old lantern or a jar, put some faux moss inside, pinecones and a...
Getting ready for spring and coming summer? Let’s make a funky fence of recycled materials that would make your yard peculiar. All you need to do is to take recycled glass bottles of different colors and put them on steel poles, you could easily do that yourself. I really like the harmonious choice of blue...
A pinboard helps to organize the space and here you can pin not only some notes but also your favorite photos. So you’ll need cork tiles, painter’s tape, white paint, a paintbrush, a ruler and a pencil. Why cork? Because the same tiles can be rearranged to be a chevron pattern or diagonal stripe. You...
We do everything to decorate our tables for party dinners – make amazing centerpieces, embroider tablecloths and napkins. These are cute vintage wooden numbers that would add charm to any wedding or just celebration table. You’ll need: pieces of wood, cardstock paper, inkjet printer, scissors, Elmer’s glue, Modge Podge, foam brush. With your foam brush...
Decorate your table to make the meal joyous and cheerful! Let’s make fun cascading pinwheel table runner as an alternative to flowers on your tables. You’ll need 8.5 X 11 sheets of paper, scissors, double sided tape, cardstock, hot glue gun and sticks. Choose the colors you like and begin. Fold a piece of paper...
If you like tea, you definitely make it very often. What you need is a trivet for your teapot. Tree stump trivet is a nice and simple in crafting thing. You’ll need dark brown and beige felt strips, fabric glue, scissors. Cut the strips into smaller lengths that you are going to stagger and build...
If your space lacks a romantic, exquisite and original lighting, here’s the way to make it. That wouldn’t be so fast and simple but anyway, you’ll need: 400+ basket-style coffee filters, 1/2-inch hardware cloth, stapler and 200+ staples, string of LED lights about 25 feet long, 4-inch plastic cable ties, wire cutters or tin snips,...