Update your old light fixture with this pretty and easy DIY chandelier. It adds a dose of glam to any room, without any rewiring required. You’ll need 12-inch-diameter hanging wire plant basket, silver spray paint, four 6-foot strings of decorative crystal garland for a total of 24 feet, three metal hanging hooks. Remove the hanging...
The weather is warm, and summer is coming soon, so we spend lots of time outdoors. Many of us have gardens with terraces and patios, so you probably need a cute chandelier suitable for outdoors, and we’ve rounded up several tutorials. Of course, we understand that there’s no electricity outdoors, so all the chandeliers are...
Make your Easter cheerful and unusual! Everybody makes bowls with Easter eggs, paint them and decorate everything but who could imagine a chandelier decorated with Easter eggs? This is a really crazy but original idea, don’t you think? So, start decorating the Easter eggs the way you like – there are many recipes to paint...
Chandeliers with bubbles are popular today, many designers present their variants. Now you can make one, too. The supplies are clear holiday ornaments, silver & gold pre-holed sequins, clear jewelry line or fishing line, lamp shade frame or a wire plant basket; light colored, heavy duty thread, scissors, wire and wire cutters, a ribbon, a...
This chandelier isn’t the first DIY chandelier made with using Mason jars but it probably the most gorgeous one. Even though for this project you’ll need to find some old chandelier the result is much more cooler than a Mason jar chandelier made with several things from IKEA and an diy outdoor chandelier with Mason...