Easy DIY Crate Bookshelf

Easy DIY Crate Bookshelf

Easy DIY Crate Bookshelf

Crates are ideal for crafts and easy to refashion into some furniture pieces, for example, a bookshelf. To make it you’ll need sand paper, crates and stain. Sand the crates, beat them up, stain and cover with a coat of polyurethane. Screw them together. Enjoy! 
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DIY Industrial-Like Furniture

DIY Industrial-Like Furniture

DIY Industrial-Like Furniture

I’m big fan of shelving units made of pipes. They have so great mid-century industrial-like look that they fit many interiors very well. Dosuno Design made a step further. They created an open source platform for plumbing pipe furniture. That’s much more cooler that other DIY projects that involves pipes. You can download a pdf... 
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