The fall is the time of blankets and comfy rugs. Let’s spruce your blanket a little bit! Preapre a fleece blanket, yarn, scisssors, a large yarn needle, a clover pom pm maker. Use sharp fabric scissors to trim large pom poms made with your clover pom pom maker. Tie poms off with at least a...
A quilt is a cool and cozy thing that may wrap somebody you love in case he or she needs a hug. To make your own lap sized quilt using the free project sheet you’ll need just 8 pieces of colorful fabric and a yard of two solid fabrics. This design is called square in...
Waiting for a little miracle in your family? Then perhaps you are actively preparing a nursery for your little one, and this is not only about décor, storage or toys, you’ll need so many other things! Bedding is one of the important parts for your baby’s crib or bed, and today I’d like to share...
Need more picnic blankets for summer? Have a look at this stunning embroidery one by! You’ll need just a striped blanket, yarn, a large sewing needle for knitting, scissors and colored chalk. Sketch out your design on the blanket using the colored chalk. Be sure you make a mark dark enough to remain visible....
We’ve already told you about cool picnic blankets, and today I’d like to add one more idea to the list, and it’s a tutorial from Prepare 2 yards ticking or shirting fabric, 2 yards terry cloth, thread, a sewing machine. Cut ticking/shirting fabric 45 inches wide. From leftover ticking fabric, cut 4 squares 8...
Make a super cute baby blanket inspired by watermelon – so summer-like! The supplies are 5/8 yd pink fleece, 5/8 yd green fleece, scrap black fleece, 5/8 yd coordinating cotton fabric, basic sewing essentials. Cut your cotton fabric so that it is 19″ long. Fold it in half so that the selvedges meet up on...
Summer is time of picnics and beaches! If you are planning to go to the beach, you’ll need not only a swimsuit or beachwear but also a beach blanket to sit on. The same is about picnics – not only food and drinks are required but also a good and comfy picnic blanket. Let’s make...
Do you know what’s god about stripes? They are timeless! Stripes in any color are trendy at any time, so let’s have a look at awesome striped pieces that will make your interior super stylish! Painting vases, pots and furniture is an easy way to make an eye-catcher super fast and without any skills –...
You may ask: why are patchwork pieces so awesome? I’ll answer: first, they are colorful and vivacious, second, you give a new life to old fabrics and clothes, third, they are rather easy to make even if you don’t have sewing skills. That’s why today I decided to attract your attention to the patchwork quilts,...
Fall is here and if you haven’t added any touches of it to your home, maybe this roundup will help you. Today it’s all about Scandinavian fall! Scandinavian décor is simple, monochromatic, natural and very cozy. That’s why for Nordic fall décor you can make some decorations of natural wood, for example, a candle holder...