If you spend a lot of time at your desk, if you need a place to hang some pics and stickers for inspiration, make these cork boards from drawingsunderthetable.blogspot.ca. You’ll need old frames, painter’s tape, a cork roll, scissors, contact cement or other adhesive and spray paint. Take your frame apart and spray paint the...
Wanna serve a romantic breakfast abed? You need a good food tray with handles for comfiness in using! Marble, wood, plastic, old pallets and even doors can become a nice source of materials for such a craft. Take what you prefer and go sanding if needed and decorating it in various ways: painting, spray painting,...
This cool doormat was inspired by a Pottery Barn one but it costs less. Take a blank coir rug and use acrylic paint as it’s permanent so it works well for an outdoor and it’s also a flexible paint, unlike oil paint, so it won’t crack once dry. Use a ruler to mark the middle...
Concrete projects are quite popular these days. It doesn’t take much more than an inexpensive bag of cement and some cardboard to create this cool, industrial-chic concrete serving tray, so let’s do it! Prepare cardboard, a box cutter, a ruler, a pencil, a marker, painter’s tape, cooking spray, cement, 2 drawer handles, a sanding sponge,...
Every chair or stool can become cozier and comfier with a soft knit pad, let’s make it with this DIY project from lebenslustiger.com. Take 500gr of un-spun wool roving and knit seat pads with your fingers in stockinette pattern, and of course you can also use large (25mm thick) needles for knitting these. Start by...
Need a cool tealight holder? There’s an original tutorial from adorablest.com! Mix a small batch of white cement, wash sand and water and pour into an avocado half. The strength depends on the amount of water used and also the sand to cement ratio. Use a pit for the tealight ‘holder’ space. Oil both the...
Geometric coasters is a trendy and cool thing, to make these ones from aparedeindecisa.com you’ll need a cork sheet, a hexagon mold, a brush, crayon, masking tape, acrylic paint and varnish. Use a template to trace the amount of cork coasters you want. Try to draw hexagons very close together to make better use of...
Need a couple of photo holders for your Instagram photos? You’ll love this tutorial from damasklove.com! Prepare square prints, wood knobs, metallic lustre, Martha Stewart Acrylic Paints, Martha Stewart Stencil Tape, a craft saw, paper towels. Use a craft saw to create a slit in the top of the wooden knob. The slit should be...
This simple leather key ring from yellowgirl.at will help you to find your keys in the morning. Prepare some leather – faux or natural, scissors, pliers, two eyelets. Cut a piece of leather of the size 4 cm x 10 cm. Make two holes at one end using scissors and folding the leather in two...
With just a few ½-inch square dowels, some twine and a few nuts, this handy trivet can be pulled together before the dinner bell rings. Using the cut list, cut the square dowels to size using a handsaw or miter saw. Lay the slats side-by-side with their ends aligned. Make a registration mark near one...