DIY Glass Block Nightlight In Wood

DIY Glass Block Nightlight In Wood

DIY Glass Block Nightlight In Wood

This beautiful night light will be ideal for any bedroom, prepare liquid fusion, square glass block, 1×4″ oak board, 1/4×1″ pine lath, 1/2″ diameter PVC x 2 1/4 inches long, 13/16″ wood bit, #8 x 1 1/4″ screws, 1 1/4″ finishing brads, 1/8″ diamond bit & chisel, a sponge and water, cordless drill and candle... 
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Voluminous DIY Paper Wall Lamp

Voluminous DIY Paper Wall Lamp

Voluminous DIY Paper Wall Lamp

A paper lamp? Unexpected and original! To make one you’ll need: a sheet of Canson drawing paper, a ruler, a pair of scissors, glue and double-sided tape. Cut three rectangles in your sheet according to the dimensions above. Fold the edges of each rectangle for about 1 inch. Draw an arc in each corner, you... 
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