DIY Driftwood Wall Hanger

DIY Driftwood Wall Hanger

DIY Driftwood Wall Hanger

We’ve already told you of some cool driftwood crafts, and here’s one more idea to use it – a driftwood wall hanger! The supplies are a piece of drift or reclaimed wood, coat hooks, a screw driver, spray paint, blue painters tape, 2-3 screw eye hooks, screws. Tape of a portion of the drift wood... 
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Industrial Chic: 13 Awesome DIY Concrete Furniture Pieces For Your Home

Industrial Chic: 13 Awesome DIY Concrete Furniture Pieces For Your Home

Industrial Chic: 13 Awesome DIY Concrete Furniture Pieces For Your Home

Concrete is a fantastic material because it’s simple, durable and looks minimalist, plus you can give it any shape or color you like. Concrete furniture is not only a piece of industrial chic for inside but also a perfect variant for outside thanks to its durability and stability. Not only concrete planters are great but... 
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