DIY Natural Bug Bite Balm

DIY Natural Bug Bite Balm

DIY Natural Bug Bite Balm

Summer is great but as any other thing it has its own pros and cons and one of its disadvantages is insects. If you were bitten by them, you’ll definitely need some balm to calm the skin. To make one you’ll need 2 tablespoons pure shea butter, 2 tablespoons avocado oil, 1 ounce pure beeswax,... 
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DIY Lavender Whipped Body Butter

DIY Lavender Whipped Body Butter

DIY Lavender Whipped Body Butter

We continue telling you how to prepare your body for warmer weather and to impress everybody with shining skin. This body butter contains the ingredients that would make your skin smooth and moisturized, remember the smoothing lavender remedies? So prepare 1 cup coconut oil, 1 tablespoon aloe vera, 2 tablespoons jojoba oil, 20 drops of... 
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Deluxe DIY Stretch Mark Cream

Deluxe DIY Stretch Mark Cream

Deluxe DIY Stretch Mark Cream

If you want to prevent the appearing of the stretch marks, you need to watch your diet and take care of your skin regularly. You can look fantastic without going to doctors and without burning skin – just make a stretch mark cream. A good cream would contain ingredients that reverse the tightness when your... 
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