Easy DIY Crate Bookshelf

Easy DIY Crate Bookshelf
Crates are ideal for crafts and easy to refashion into some furniture pieces, for example, a bookshelf. To make it you’ll need sand paper, crates and stain. Sand the crates, beat them up, stain and cover with a coat of polyurethane. Screw them together. Enjoy! 
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DIY Rustic Wine Rack Of A Crate

DIY Rustic Wine Rack Of A Crate
If you have an old soup crate lying around in your garage or barn then you have a perfect rustic wine rack right under your nose. Maya*made has created such mid-century modern rack almost without spending more than $2 on it. She used these $2 to buy a coffee table on a garage sale. She... 
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DIY Wine Crates Wall Storage

DIY Wine Crates Wall Storage
There are a lot of people around the world who like to drink wine. If you one of them you might have some wine creates from finished bottles. If no you can find some on a flea market or in a liquor store. Such crates can easily be re-used in interior decorating. Especially good they... 
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DIY Logs And Crates Storage Wall System

DIY Logs And Crates Storage Wall System
This storage wall combines two popular nowadays trends in DIY and up-cycling projects. It’s made by Swedish designers from Studio St Paul of crates and logs. The idea is very simple and you easily can make similar shelf system by yourself. It will definitely make some of your rooms much more cozy. Although don’t forget... 
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