DIY Beaded Zipper Pull

DIY Beaded Zipper Pull

DIY Beaded Zipper Pull

If you have a pouch (and I think that every girl does), the zipper pull is probably not so comfy in using. You can improve it using a wire cutter, 6mm split rings, arrested beads, head pins, round nose jewelry pliers. Take a head pin and arrange your beads. Leave approximately 1cm (1/2″) of wire... 
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DIY Wire Heart Ring

DIY Wire Heart Ring

DIY Wire Heart Ring

Wire rings are awesome, comfortable to wear and easy to make. To make a wire heart ring you’ll need 20 gauge wire, pliers, wire clippers, a lip stick or lip gloss around the same size as your fingers. Cut 2 pieces of wire: one piece about 1 inch, and another piece about 1.5 -2 inches.... 
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