Cool DIY Big Bang Theory Mugs

Cool DIY Big Bang Theory Mugs

Cool DIY Big Bang Theory Mugs

The Big Bang Theory is a popular that many of us like to watch because it’s funny, witty and cool. If you want to have something with the symbolics of the favorite series, you may take mugs. You’ll need some mugs of the color you prefer, a sheet of carbon paper, ceramic paint. Take an... 
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DIY Creative Painted Mug

DIY Creative Painted Mug

DIY Creative Painted Mug

If you wanna have a cool creative mug, you just need some imagination and a plain white mug, two different sized paint brushes and a few porcelain paint colors. You actually only need a few since you can mix colors to make other colors. Sharpie markers and regular paint will wash off in the dishwasher.... 
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DIY Decorated Porcelain Mug

DIY Decorated Porcelain Mug

DIY Decorated Porcelain Mug

How to make an exclusive gift of a usual white mug? Take a white porcelain mug, outliner and a brush. Squeeze the paint straight out of the tube and onto the porcelain. If you mess up, just wipe the paint away with a wet paper towel. Some porcelain paints are not recommended for surfaces that... 
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