Do you need a couple of cool coasters? We’ve got a great idea for you! Let’s start with this piece of wood and sand it well if it’s rough. Use a sliding T bevel to figure out the angles on the hexagon coasters. You can also kick it old school with a protractor and straight...
Coasters are always necessary to save your furniture. Let’s make these easy and cool ones, you’ll need a 12″x12″ piece of cork, a serrated knife, masking tape, a foam brush, acrylic paint. First, you need to divide your square of cork into nine 4″x4″ pieces using your masking tape as a guide and the serrated...
These funny neon coasters will enliven any party table and remind you of sunny summer days! Prepare wooden beads, parachute cord, a hot glue gun and scissors. Knot one end of your parachute cord and string on six beads. Knot the other end tightly and cut, leaving about an inch or an inch and a...
Love travelling? Express your passion in home décor! Print your travel routes like a map and use it for this craft! For these coasters you’ll need cork coasters, map pieces, super glue and two sided tape. Place your map pieces in the middle of the coasters with two sided tape. Sketch the outline of the...
We’ve already told you how to make tile photo coasters, and today we’ll realize the same idea on cork. You’ll need a cork sheet- 12×18 inches, Mod Podge Matte Finish, 1″ foam brushes 20/Pkg, clear vinyl contact paper, an exacto knife and photo prints. Using one of your prints trimmed to the size and shape...
This easy craft is cool for your kitchen or maybe as a cool gift. To make these coasters you’ll need 4 white, unglazed 4 x4 tile squares, craft paint, paint brushes, Mod Podge Gloss, 9×11 sheet of felt, scissors and tacky glue. Cut your copies down to the size of your coaster. Paint a layer...
Love pallets! They are ideal for different rustic crafts, and how about making a similar craft but a mini-version. For these mini pallet coasters you’ll need popsicle sticks, sharp scissors, a sponge brush, wood stain, cloth, gorilla/crazy glue, protective waterproof spray-optional. Cut the ends off of the popsicle sticks using very sharp scissors. This is...
Let’s have fun and make these rustic winter-inspired coasters that’ll make your winter meal amazing! You’ll need slices of birch tree, wood stain, a paint brush, Silver Leaf Metallic Pen, a sealer. Begin painting an area where you would like the wood to be stained. Let it sit for a few seconds, then wipe the...
Coasters are a cool accessory for any kitchen and not only – we all drink hot tea or coffee every day. These gingerbread coasters will remind you of Christmas and can become a cool gift for New Year. The supplies are ¼”-thick gray felt for the coaster base, felt in various thickness and colors for...
Easy glam coasters? Yes, please! They are ideal for your tableware or as a Christmas gift, so take cork, Mod Podge, a paintbrush and glitter. Start by using another coaster to trace an outline. Cut it out. With a paintbrush, start covering one side of the coaster with mod podge. Continue to cover the entire...