We already showed you some amazing decorative patio lighting ideas but here are some more. They all shows how to use candles in your garden and on your patio. Even though candles don’t give a lot of light they are still small islands of light that can be functional. Candles can easily add some charm...
Not only pine cones and candles arrangements brings coziness to your home at winter. Any arrangements that combine candles and gifts of nature are capable to do that. Besides pine cones you can use spices, fruits and winter berries. Check out these amazing examples and bring some coziness to your home!
You already saw how cool pine cones arrangements are. Combined with candles they are even more cool and cozy. We all need an additional coziness during winters and Holidays so such arrangements are especially cool for this time. There are also candles shaped like real pine cones but they are usually much more pricey than...
Candles are always associated with coziness and are perfect companions for Christmas. To make them even more cozy you can use sweater-like candle holders. Of course you can buy pre-made one or can make such holder by yourself. That’s simple and the result will definitely cute one. All you need is a candle in a...