This bottle stand can become a perfect decoration for any season, and now you can rock it for fall. You’ll need 10 empty small bottles, 3 wood boards (in size: 25cm / 23cm / 20cm), a hole saw with a diameter of 35mm, fine sandpaper, acrylic paint, wood glue, bar or tape measure, a pencil....
Need a cool and modern cake stand without much fuss or money wastes? Here’s a tutorial from! The supplies are a plate, a candle holder, a dab of glue. All you need to do is just glue around the edge of the candleholder with a very strong adhesive. Firmly stick the votive holder onto...
Geometric décor continues to conquer the world, and today we’ll make a pretty piece for parties, it’s a hexagon cake stand. Prepare a 10″ hexagon tile, a chunky pillar candle holder, heavy-duty glue or epoxy, a pencil and ruler. With the tile upside-down, use the ruler to find the center, then trace the candle holder...
Making cake stands of thrifted candlesticks and tableware is easy. We already showed you several interesting ways to do that. Although depending on your creativity you can make them lovely or not so lovely. Amber Lee from Giverslog is definitely creative because her DIY cake stands are really lovely. She made them of colorful melamine...
If you want your table serving make more cool and fun then try out these awesome cupcake pedestals. They are made of pre-made wooden cupcake pedestals bought at the local store and felt of different colors. Although you can make such pedestals by yourself. For that you’ll need: 3/4″ diameter wooden dowel rods, 3″ wood...
If you do enjoy to cook cupcakes for your gatherings with friends then you definitely need a cool stand to display them. If you also happen to have several old vinyl records that you don’t need anymore then here is an awesome DIY project for you. Make a cool vintage-looking cupcake stand of them. The...
Making cakestands from tableware and candlesticks is quite an easy process. You just need to spray paint candlesticks in your favorite colors, chose plates that match them and glue them together. Instead of candlesticks you can also use mugs and vases. On the picture you can find only some cakestands you can make this way....
If you’re a fan of rustic decor items that this DIY cake stand project is right for you. It’s simple, cheap and the result is very cool. The stand is perfect to use outdoors but it’s also good to bring a touch of nature indoors. For the project you’ll need a cross-cut wood plaque, a...
When there is Spring outside your projects should become more happy and fun. Here is a nice example – a family of DIY tiered cake stands in vivid colors. Of course such stands can be used for many other things like organizing jewelry but they are especially good for parties outdoors. Here are things that you’ll...
If you want to make a cheap, easy, cute and stylish cake stand you came into the right place. You probably even don’t need to buy any materials for it. Most likely everybody have a plate and a candle holder that they can use to get a cake stand. Besides them you only need some...