Byzantine style has recently been in trend, and to look stylish you can make this Byzantine chainmail bracelet. Take 0.6mm glass pearl bead, mixed jump rings, lobster claps, eye pins, wire cutter plier, flat plier, round nose plier. Slide an eye pin through a glass pearl bead and make a loop with the round nose...
Hex nuts are great for creating jewelry! Unexpected? Look at this tutorial! To make this hex nut cuff you’ll need hex nuts, Aleene’s Super Gel Adhesive, tulip glam-it-up crystals and a metal cuff. If your cuff is a little large or needs adjusting make sure you do this before adding your hex nuts. For a...
This DIY wrapped leather cuff is very easy to make and the cost is minimal. If you choose bright shades of leather, it’ll look amazing with your colorful spring dresses. The supplies are a blank cuff bracelet, scraps of leather and extra strength craft glue. Cut 2 strips of leather that measure 1 1/2 inches...
Any message can be put on pendants which is one of the reasons if you can do metal stamping. Names, inspirational sayings, special dates, etc. all can be used. You can make a cool leather and metal stamp bracelet – it’s an ideal combination, rather stylish and suitable even for boys. When stamping, mix fonts...
We’ve already told you of cool winter jewelry and here’s one more idea to the list – a sock bracelet. The supplies are an abandoned sock, needle and thread, scissors and small beads. If your sock has a band at the top that might make the bracelet too small for your wrist, cut it off....
Casual jewelry is cool, simple to make and highlights your everyday outfits very well. Let’s make a cool five-strand-braid bracelet to wear with jeans. The supplies are leather threads and an arrow. Attach the threads to a plane surface, divide them so that you have three on the left side and two on the right. The...
Knots are cool for décor and your look! To make an infinity knot bracelet you’ll need 3/8″ wide white ribbon, binder clips, a fabric stiffener, fabric glue, Korean knotting cord, 1 yard of each color, fusible Velcro. Decide what you want your pattern to be. Find the center of your cords, making sure that they...
Copper will never go out of style! To make a cool copper bracelet you’ll need copper pipe, steel wool, tin shears, a metal file, a permanent marker, hydrogen peroxide, muriatic acid, packing tape, scotch brite scour pad, baking soda, car wax or metal lacquer. Clean off the copper, wash it off and dry. Cut it...
Your old bra can be given a new life – at least a part of it. Today we’ll make a bracelet of a bra strap. The supplies are a bra, some scissors, a needle and thread, buttons and beads. Cut the strap off where it meets the band, and above the part of the strap...
Though it’s hot summer now, some people prefer getting ready for everything beforehand. Let’s make a beautiful tribute to fall and winter – a refined silver branches bracelet. The supplies are 1 strand of charlotte silver-coated size 8 seed beads, 1 antique pewter twig toggle set, 5 yards of walnut brown Irish waxed linen cord,...