If you’re searching for even more simple way to make tabletop Christmas trees than to make them from cardboard, simple paper could work for you. It’s easy to cut and provide even more possibilities to design a beautiful little Christmas tree. You can use craft paper, old books and almost any other types of paper...
Table top Christmas trees are cool but those that you can buy in stores could be kinda pricey. Why to spend money on them when you can make even more cool recycled trees by yourself? You can use cardboard for that. Thanks to simple techniques like painting, decoupage, covering with glitter and some other you...
You probably already hear Christmas bells so your home should be already decorated accordingly. Although if you still search for some additions to your decor don’t hesitate to make several Christmas garlands. I’ve gathered for you some amazing ideas showing how you can do that. There are plenty of materials you can use, including Christmas...
Glowing Christmas wreath is an awesome thing to decorate your front door, a wall indoors or even a chandelier. Such wreath could be made out of wire and simple Christmas lights or LED lights. It can be decorated according to the season as some other Christmas wreaths.
We already showed you some cool DIY Christmas ornaments for foodies but we want to continue the theme. In addition to ornaments you can make a quite cool Christmas wreath from such things as candies, fruits, marshmallows, popcorn, nuts and some other things. If you’re a real foodie don’t hesitate to try one of these...
As we already showed you simple glass ornaments could become really cool after some work on them. You can fill them with yarn, feathers, glitter, paint but you can also pour in some candy sprinkles inside. That would make such ornaments perfect for kids but make sure they won’t eat them.
Does Christmas ball ornaments remind you hot air balloons? If so you can make them look even more alike. Simple plastic ornaments would work as a charm for such project. The idea is to make small paper baskets and fix them to the ornaments using string. Visit thecheesethief for a full tutorial showing how to...
Everybody loves Christmas and Winter. In order to show that you can make some cool holiday signs to hang them outside or inside of your home. They could become a quite fun crafts project with kinds and constant reminders of how good this season is. To make holiday signs you can use yarn, scrap wood...
Christmas ornaments are not only great to decorate your Christmas tree but also can be displayed in many other places in your home. For example, you can place them on a mantel, on a side table, on ceilings, on walls and so on. You can put them into vases, boxes, on stands, in frames an...
If you have all these old Christmas ornaments that belonged to your grandparents you can make them looks great again. They are usually quite boring so you need to add some sparkle to them. The easiest thing to do that is to use glitter glues. They’re cool, mess-free and fun. Of course the same thing...