DIY Christmas Tree Of Books

DIY Christmas Tree Of Books

DIY Christmas Tree Of Books

Christmas tree alternatives are endless, and here’s one more idea for book lovers, for those who are obsessed with books and old book stores.  You’ll need about 80 or more books – depending on the tree size that you want – and LED lights. All you need to do is just to arrange them in... 
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19 DIY Snowflakes, Snowballs and Snowmen Crafts For Your Home

19 DIY Snowflakes, Snowballs and Snowmen Crafts For Your Home

19 DIY Snowflakes, Snowballs and Snowmen Crafts For Your Home

Winter is the time of snow, amazing sparkling snowflakes that are not like any other, funny snowmen made by kids and snowballs that we all like to play. Here are some cool DIY ideas to decorate your home with snowflakes, snowballs and snowmen and to highlight the winter atmosphere, charming, icy and cool! Felt ornaments are... 
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