For any holiday (as a favor) or just for yourself you can make these bath bombs and enjoy using them! The supplies are a measuring cup, bowl and wisk, baking soda, citric acid, witch hazel, fragrance oil, water free colorant, pipettes, a mini-muffin pan, wax paper. The batches here are 1 cup of baking soda...
Christmas is coming and it’s high time to make a garland or two for Christmas décor. To make a pretty felt garland you’ll need green felt, small felt pom-poms, baker’s twine, a heavy duty hand-sewing needle and scissors. Start by cutting out 16 equal-sized triangles, taller than they are wide. You can cut these freehand,...
Napkin rings are a necessary accessory for any party or family dinner, and if you want to organize a cool table setting, every detail should be to the style. Here are some napkin rings for Christmas of the materials you have at hand. Jingle bells are amazing for décor and you can easily make a...
A card is a cool and inexpensive gift, and very exclusive – handmade! We’ve gathered some great tutorials for you to make a card for Christmas. There are so many materials to use for a unique card: paper, felt, cardboard, buttons and even cookies for décor. You can decorate the cards with different elements: a...
This ornament of fabric is a real art piece, making it is not so easy but it’s a beautiful thing. The supplies are a polystyrene ball, fat 1/8th of three fabrics – dark, medium, and light, sequin pins, ribbon, a fabric glue pen. Prepare the fabric by cutting: medium fabric (blue) – cut 10 squares...
As for me, cinnamon aroma always reminds me of Christmas and New Year – the coolest holidays of the year! It’s very bracing and makes you feel cozy, that’s why today we offer you to look at some cool Christmas crafts made of cinnamon sticks or with just cinnamon to smell the joyful Christmas. Christmas...
Christmas is not so close but we’ve already started thinking of its magic and charm. To please your closest, besides a gift, you need to make it look special, so beautiful wrapping and a tag is a must-have. We’ve gathered some simple tutorial to make an original and whimsy tag – not a printable but...
Though Christmas is rather far, it’s better to think of everything beforehand. If you want an original Christmas tree, which would attract attention and match your non-typical Christmas décor theme, we’ve gathered several cool DIY ideas for different styles. For natural or industrial décor you can attach some branches or wooden planks on the wall...
We’ve already told you about advent calendars to make but today we’ve decided to roundup some more because so many cool ideas appeared! We’ve gathered the most original calendars for you, so you’ll enjoying making, counting and sometimes even eating them! Funny robots for each day, delicious cookies, tasty apples, glowing snowflakes, ornaments with messages...
Jingle bells are so typical for Christmas! They make you think of it anywhere and at any time. Let’s look at some inspiring jingle bells crafts that you can easily make yourself gaining that festive mood. Jingle bells jewelry is on top for a cheerful party – you’ll be in trend! A necklace or a...