If you work at home or just have a home office for various kinds of work or reading and studying, you may also have some boring office chairs. Wanna renovate them in a cool way? Here are some ideas! If the fabric is pretty enough, you may buy some fabric paint and repaint it. If it’s too old, then reupholstering the chair and repainting it if needed is a good idea. If the chair is made of wood, you may just repaint it or stencil, if it’s from leather, repaint it with special paint. Another idea is adding upholstery to some usual chair to get a unique piece. Read the tutorials below and choose the best one!
DIY office chair slipcover (via positivelysplendid).
DIY IKEA office chair upgrade (via thediydiary).
DIY flea chair makeover (via dreamalittlebigger).
DIY desk chair transformation (via wecanmakeanything).
DIY color block chair redo (via ajoyfulriot).
DIY chair makeover (via ohohblog).
DIY fur chair makeover (via abeautifulmess).
DIY desk chair renovation (via inmyownstyle).
DIY office chair redo (via inmyownstyle).
DIY desk chair makeover (via practicallyfunctional).
DIY leather chair repaint (via decoist).
DIY fur chair reupholster (via ahappyhomeinholland).
DIY desk chair makeover (via confessionsofaserialdiyer).
DIY reupholstering an office chair (via apartmenttherapy).