Hot summer makes you think first of all of suitable clothes to wear, and jeans shorts are one of the best ideas: they are stylish, look cool and always in trend, and you may use your old jeans. To makes ones you’ll need basic jeans, thread, metal studs, fabric, paint. See how short you want your shorts, mark with a piece of chalk, pencil or pins. Fold the pants in half and cut one leg where you marked and then the other. To make the worn out and old look make some holes scraping the jeans with a cutter. Scratch different points with sandpaper and stretch and pull the loose threads. Then place them on the shorts and sew them on with basic stitches. Take studs of the type which is glued upside down to a bondable plastic and put on the desired place. Iron on this plastic with a cloth and the studs are attached to the pants. Enjoy!