The Nightmare Before Christmas is an animated musical dark fantasy film directed by Tim Burton. It tells the story of Jack Skellington, a resident from “Halloween Town” who stumbles through a portal to “Christmas Town” and decides to celebrate the holiday, with some dastardly and comical consequences. This is a classic theme for Halloween parties...
49 Unusual Tropical Halloween Decor Ideas
Most of Halloween parties feature fake blood, vampires, zombies, skeletons and witches but what if you want something different? Rock tropical Halloween ideas, whether you are living in tropical regions or not, and your guests will memorize it for sure! Tropical Halloween parties are relaxed, funny and bright and will make everyone feel that tropical...
45 Refined Vampire Halloween Decor Ideas
Zombies, witches, ghosts, skeletons – all these things and party themes are traditional for Halloween styling but I’m offering you the most sophisticated and elegant idea: vampires! Vampires are all about elegance, vintage, refined decor and things that look not too scary at first but create an overall spooky impression. What Is The Best Vampire...
45 Striking Halloween Pumpkin Dioramas
Bored with all those Halloween pumpkins, both carved and painted ones? Looking for some unique idea to excite all your guests at the party? I have a brilliant solution that will make everyone drop their jaws – a Halloween diorama! What Is A Halloween Diorama? A Halloween diorama is kind of a Halloween terrarium that...
45 Halloween Table Centerpiece Ideas
A table centerpiece is a necessary part of any Halloween dinner tablescape. It sets the mood for your holiday feast and can feature any Halloween and fall related items, show off your style, theme and color scheme. Pay attention to your centerpiece to create a right ambience! The most popular idea is still a floral...
41 Creepy Halloween Decorating Ideas
There are many styles you could choose for your Halloween decor. Depending on your wishes you could choose the one that would suit you and your family best. Here are some ideas for decorating your home indoors and outdoors in creepy style. It is usually characterized by a lot of black and gray colors, spiders,...
45 The Best Halloween Mantels Around The Internet
Fireplaces have always been centerpieces of each space, and mantels can display much cool decor, too. As fall is already coming, it’s time to think over your fall mantel decor, and not only – mantels are great places to create a beautiful Halloween display so don’t hesitate to decorate yours if you have one. In order...
25 Timeless Black And White Halloween Decor Ideas
There’s nothing more timeless than a black and white color scheme that works everywhere and for everything, and Halloween is no exception. If you are planning a modern Halloween party, a minimalist one or just a party with no theme, go for this color scheme, it’s always chic! I’ve prepared some cool decor ideas using...
25 Bold And Cool Halloween Mantel Décor Ideas
Halloween is coming, and there’s only a month left, it’s high time to think over décor, treats and drinks. If you are a happy owner of a fireplace, you probably have a mantel, or just a faux mantel with no fireplace, so decorate one for Halloween! How? Here are some ideas to do that! Colors...
22 Pastel Décor Ideas For An Unique Halloween Celebration
Tired of typical black and orange? Don’t want anything traditional and boring? Then decorate your home for Halloween in a different way and nail it! Today I’m sharing a couple of non-traditional ideas, these are pastel Halloween decorations! Pumpkins Don’t paint them black, white, orange or deep red, choose soft pastel shades: blush, dusty pink...