In case you like the idea of handing felt planters but don’t want to make anything by yourself there is a solution for you. These awesome handbags are made of biological coton and can be easily attached to balcony railings. Besides, they are easy to transport so you can transform your balcony gardens as much...
Search Results for: planter
Last month in Milan two designers, Peter Bottazzi and Denish Bonapace, have presented a collection of furniture hybrids that acts as planters. These ironic hybrids are made of parts of old furniture objects that people usually throw away. They’re reprocessed, patched up and transformed before grafted with plants. Even if these interesting creations will be...
Do you want to have charming planters at your patio that won’t cost you much? If so you can make them from recycled tyres. You probably can get them for free in a local auto shop. You can use the tyres as is, paint them or make creative planters with cool rims. On Studio G...
A simple wood planter box can become a great solution to organize a small garden outdoors. It’s very easy to make and won’t cost you much. You just need some lumber, several screws and chicken wire to make it. To make the planter cut your lumber to the planned size. Connect your pieces using screws...
This contemporary planter from French manufacturer Jardin Chic is very unusual. It doubles as a pet house and features really cool, sleek, modern look. The planter is made of durable plastic and can be used as indoors as outdoors. It’s perfect for cats and small dogs and can become a really cool urban dwelling for...
Here is an awesome planter that you can easily make by yourself for your balcony. It can be hang anywhere but should be used only outdoors. It’s really cute and unique. You can use different felts an different flowers matching them. The planter is made of 2 yards felt, grommets, string, sewing needle. You can...
Do you like your outdoor plants so much that you want elevate them? If so then these modern outdoor planters are awesome choice for you. They are great for small delicate succulents, cactuses, and herbs. Each pot features holes for drainage and powder coated spun aluminum ideal for any outdoor environment. Even though $92 seems...
These new modern planters from West Elm is a very interesting solution to dress up indoor and outdoor flora. They looks like they are made of natural wood but their beautiful marbleized effect is baked right into the clay. That is the result of mixing two different types of terracotta. These cool planters looks quite...
If you bought a wooden coffee table it’s a good idea to plant a tree. Protecting the environment where we live is an important mission for all of us. So every project that will help us in that is very useful. This coffee table update is a great contribution to the protection of nature so...
Puffy paint planter can be made virtually of any pot you already have. You can even turn an old glass vase into a stylish planter even though it won’t be as good for plants as a simple flower pot. Besides the pot itself you’ll need a dry erase parker, puffy paint, and a spray paint....