DIY Cement Indoor Planters

DIY Cement Indoor Planters

DIY Cement Indoor Planters

DIY cement plantes are great to use as outdoors as indoors. They are quite unusual and looks really modern. Besides they also aren’t hard to make. For the project you’ll need several tupperware containers of the size and shape that you want your future planters to be, 1 tub Sakrete Fast Setting Cement Patcher, a... 
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DIY Tabletop Driftwood Lamp

DIY Tabletop Driftwood Lamp

DIY Tabletop Driftwood Lamp

A driftwood lamp is a very interesting item of decor which usually is quite expensive. Although it can easily be made by yourself if you can collect some driftwood. The idea of the lamp is quite simple. You need a minimalist tabletop lamp. At this point you have a choice. You can make a permanent... 
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DIY Pallet Vertical Garden

DIY Pallet Vertical Garden

DIY Pallet Vertical Garden

If you think pallets isn’t the best material to use for DIY indoor projects, you still can use them outside. For example you can make a vertical pallet garden of a single wood pallet. You just need to staple or nail landscaping fabric or plywood on its back and the bottom edge. After that fill... 
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DIY Rustic Pencil Holder

DIY Rustic Pencil Holder

DIY Rustic Pencil Holder

Here is an awesome way to make a pencil holder. It’s very easy but the rustic look of final result is quite amazing. The pencil holder on pictures is made of the piece of wood found by a river bank. It’s carefully cut to the desired height using hand saw. The endges are sanded and... 
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DIY Lego Kids Play Table

DIY Lego Kids Play Table

DIY Lego Kids Play Table

A lot of kids love to play with LEGOs. If yours are among them then you probably have a quite large collection of these little blocks. They usually create quite a mess so you probably want to organize them in one place. DIY Lego play table could become perfect solution for you. To make such... 
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