Rustic DIY Utensil Pockets

Rustic DIY Utensil Pockets

Rustic DIY Utensil Pockets

Easter is coming soon and if you are planning a rustic Easter party, or just decided to decorate your kitchen in rustic style, you’ll love this decoration for such an occasion. You ‘ll need a small cutting board with a hole for hanging, a stapler, a glue gun, a classic, checkered kitchen towel in red... 
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Cute DIY Makeup Bag With Pearls

Cute DIY Makeup Bag With Pearls

Cute DIY Makeup Bag With Pearls

Girls always have tons of make up, we need this lip gloss, that lipstick and that concealer. Let’s make a small bag for your make up where you can store it comfortably. The supplies are a small bag, some matching fabric for your bag, flower trim, fabric glue, fabric scissors, monofilament jewelry cord , rhinestone... 
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