Let Your Girl Feel A Princess: 5 DIY Canopies For Kids’ Beds

Let Your Girl Feel A Princess: 5 DIY Canopies For Kids’ Beds

Let Your Girl Feel A Princess: 5 DIY Canopies For Kids’ Beds

Does you little princess feel not really princess enough? Then make a canopy for her bed to highlight that she’s the cutest and the most girlish! Choose some sheer curtains or just tulle and find a big embroidery hoop; sew and arrange the curtains as you like and attach them to the hoop; there are... 
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14 Rustic DIY Antler Decorations And Holders For Your Home

14 Rustic DIY Antler Decorations And Holders For Your Home

14 Rustic DIY Antler Decorations And Holders For Your Home

Antlers are cool rustic and woodland-inspired pieces that bring coziness, and they can be not real but artificial. I’ve gathered some ideas with antler decorations that are not only beautiful but also functional – they can be used as mobiles, hangers and holders. Antlers are natural jewelry and accessory holders and hangers, you can leave... 
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