The Best DIY and How-To Tutorials To Improve Your Home of February 2017

The Best DIY and How-To Tutorials To Improve Your Home of February 2017

The Best DIY and How-To Tutorials To Improve Your Home of February 2017

In February 2017, we’ve shown you a lot of cool stuff. Here we want to highlight the best DIY tutorials and the most helpful how to articles among them. Spring is close so it’s time to think about your next outdoor DIY project. Here are some cool furniture projects from pallets that might be useful... 
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21 Sweet Balloon Decorations For A Bridal Shower

21 Sweet Balloon Decorations For A Bridal Shower

Balloons create a festive ambience wherever you use them, and they are very affordable, too, which means that you can barely fill the space with them for little money. Balloons come in all sizes and shapes, in any colors you can imagine, and this all makes them ideal for decorating a party. If you are... 
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12 Cute And Easy DIY Clay Decorations For Your Home

12 Cute And Easy DIY Clay Decorations For Your Home

Clay is a very easy and affordable material, even kids can craft from it without problems. That’s why today I’m sharing cool clay decorations for your home, you can make them yourself and you’ll enjoy the result. Cacti are amazing and no less trendy than succulents today! You can make a cool clay cactus ring... 
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23 Cute Balloon Decorations For Baby Showers

23 Cute Balloon Decorations For Baby Showers

Balloons are the most popular decorations for any kind of party, from a retirement to a wedding party. They are affordable and available in all shapes and colors, plus you can create cool decorations of them. Today we are sharing ideas for those of you who are having a baby shower and want to decorate... 
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18 Easy Hanging Gardens Ideas For Outdoors

18 Easy Hanging Gardens Ideas For Outdoors

The gardening season is opened and I bet that everyone is striving to plant and grow something fresh somewhere outdoors. If you want to plant something but don’t have enough space for that, there are some creative space-saving gardening solutions like vertical planters or hanging gardens. Today I’d like to share some hanging ideas for... 
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11 All-Natural DIY Glass And Mirror Cleaners

11 All-Natural DIY Glass And Mirror Cleaners

It’s almost spring, and it’s high time to wash your windows, to bring as much spring sunlight in as possible, don’t you think? if you agree, then choose a window cleaner to make your windows shine. If you don’t want to use any ready product, you can always make your own one using simple homemade... 
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18 Vertical Planters To Save Your Outdoor Space

18 Vertical Planters To Save Your Outdoor Space

The gardening season has almost begun and maybe even begun for some of you. The problem of lack of space is what we often face not only in our indoor spaces but outdoors also, and if you are one of such people, it’s high time to think how you will accommodate all the flowers, plants... 
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10 DIY Wood Floor Cleaners Of Various Ingredients

10 DIY Wood Floor Cleaners Of Various Ingredients

Have wooden floors of any kind? Then cleaning them effectively and with no harm is important and many common household items clean just as effectively as their commercial counterparts and are usually significantly less expensive to use. Wanna make your own wood floor cleaner? This roundup is for you, here you’ll find a lot of... 
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