Easter is almost here, and I’m sure that you’ve already decided on the décor and menu or you are choosing some finishing touches. I bet you already know how to decorate Easter eggs – with paint, patterns, stickers, twine, beads and so on, both those that are to be eaten and those for décor. But...
I bet that every kid loves getting chocolate and candy Easter eggs on this holiday, and most of adults love them, too. You needn’t buy any, you can make cool Easter egg sweets yourself – truffles, cookies, pies and so on. Wanna some recipes? Let’s get started! Sweet, creamy fondant filling encased in rich chocolate...
Easter is coming! If you are looking for non-traditional and eye-catching décor ideas, I have one for you – an Easter terrarium! It can be used just as a decoration or as a centerpiece, and you can make a terrarium in various styles and shades. You can create many chic and fun terrariums with any...
Carrots are symbolic for Easter because bunnies eat them, and we all love bunnies for this holiday. Carrots are very healthy, they are perhaps best known for their rich supply of the antioxidant nutrient that was actually named for them: beta-carotene. However, these delicious root vegetables are the source not only of beta-carotene, but also...
Easter is a homey holiday, which is more often celebrated at home, that’s why rustic and natural styles are the most popular ones for it. If you’ve chosen rustic style, this roundup is right what you need – I’m sharing cool rustic centerpieces for Easter! Baskets Baskets can be wire, wooden, wicker ones or any...
Easter is coming closer and closer and I’m sure that you are already hurrying up with your décor and menu if you haven’t chosen everything yet. I’d like to share some recipes with you that will excite all your guests this Easter. Today we are having a look at delicious Easter cupcakes, no dessert table...
Easter is coming closer and closer, and you haven’t chosen the décor? I have easy and fast to realize ideas for you! Take usual mason jars and turn them into cool Easter centerpieces! Need some ideas? Here they are! Floral Centerpieces A floral centerpiece is the easiest and most realizable idea for any occasion, and...
Easter is very close now, and it’s high time to think what to cook for your Easter lunch or dinner. Today we are sharing some awesome DIY Easter cakes that will excite both kids and adults, I think such cakes are a must for Easter. Read these recipes and choose yours! With a rich lemon...
Kids’ parties are fun and cute and if you are getting ready for one, you may need some ideas. If you are looking for cool kids’ party centerpieces, I have a cool idea for you – balloon centerpieces! They are cute, affordable, variable and can be made by you, balloons are great for various party...
Easter is just some days away, and I’m sure that you are in preparations for it. Today I’m sharing some cool and simple last minute crafts if you don’t want to spend much time crafting or in case you just forgot about Easter. Let’s consider what you can make easily to save your Easter party....