Original Wall Decorations Made Of IKEA Ribba Frames


This small and easy IKEA hack can help you to get cool and unique wall decorations for cheap. The idea of these wall decorations that also provide an additional light belongs to Michael Ferster. The whole project is done from IKEA products.


  • 2 Torka bundles
  • 1 Dioder LED strip set
  • 2 50x50x4.5cm Ribba Frames
  • Two sided tape
  • White paint or gesso
  • An electric drill with ½ inch drill bit

How to do the frames:

  • Remove the glass, the matte, and the back panel and tape together both the inside frame and the outer frame together to keep them secure.
  • Drill thirteen holes evenly spaced and centered on one side of the frame being sure to go through both the outer frame and the inside frame.
  • On the opposite side from where you drilled the holes place two strips of two sided tape and secure two of the four dioder bars connected together with the small short wire links that come with the set.
  • Paint or gesso the brown back panel white and let it dry before you reassemble the frame with the glass, the matte, the inner frame.
  • After you have put the frame back together start placing the Torka through the holes on the top side of the frame.
  • When you’re satisfied wit the result, repeat the process, plug frames in and your are set.

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Source: ikeahacker