37 Fence Planter Ideas To Boost Your Outdoors

Fence Planter Ideas To Boost Your Outdoors

When choosing a fence, or any other landscaping idea for that matter, consider the style of your house and garden. Picking out a fence is truly all about what you like, because it’s a personal style statement as well as a functional part of your yard. Now that you have a fence, will you keep it quite neutral and plain or will you add something to make it stand out? What about adding fence planters to your outdoor space to boost the curb appeal?

What Are Fence Planter Advantages?

With fence planters, you can add a pop of color and texture to your yard. They can transform a dull fence into a vibrant garden, adding an eye-catching element to your outdoor space. By decorating your fence with plants, you can create a unique and beautiful backdrop for your yard.

With fence planters, the design possibilities are endless. You can create a sleek modern look with uniform planters and a single type of plant, or you can go for a rustic and eclectic look with a mix of different planters and plants. The vertical display also creates a sense of depth and texture in your yard.

Fence planters allow you to make the most of limited outdoor space, especially if you have a small yard or patio. They allow you to add plants without taking up valuable ground space. Hanging fence planters are perfect for this purpose, as they can maximize the vertical area of your fence.

Outdoor fence planters are easy to maintain, requiring minimal effort to keep them healthy and vibrant. They offer a convenient way to grow plants, as they are at a comfortable height for watering and tending. Fence pots are also easy to move around, giving you the flexibility to rearrange your plants as needed.

Fence planters can also provide a measure of protection against pests and other predators. By elevating your plants off the ground, fence-planters make it more difficult for pests to reach and damage your plants.

Fence planters can be used creatively to add an extra layer of privacy to your yard. By planting tall and dense plants in your fence planters, you can create a natural barrier that shields your yard from prying eyes. This is an effective and beautiful way to enhance privacy in your outdoor space.

A black planked fence with a matching pallet shelf with pots and herbs as a mini herb garden right at hand.

A black planked fence with a matching pallet shelf with pots and herbs as a mini herb garden right at hand.

A black fence is paired with a black pallet shelf and white containers with herbs is a lovely Scandinavian outdoor decor idea.

A black fence is paired with a black pallet shelf and white containers with herbs is a lovely Scandinavian outdoor decor idea.

A planked fence with a circle of planters with greenery and white flowers that is a creative decoration for outdoors.

A planked fence with a circle of planters with greenery and white flowers that is a creative decoration for outdoors.

A metal grid attached to the fence and holdring pots that are a cool small herb garden, perfect for a Scandinavian space.

A metal grid attached to the fence and holdring pots that are a cool small herb garden, perfect for a Scandinavian space.

A black wooden installation on the wall is a huge pot with several tiers and lots of succulents is a great alternative to a garden if you don't have space for one.

A black wooden installation on the wall is a huge pot with several tiers and lots of succulents is a great alternative to a garden if you don't have space for one.

A white privacy screen done with black and white planters with greenery is a lovely way to refresh the nook without taking floor space.

A white privacy screen done with black and white planters with greenery is a lovely way to refresh the nook without taking floor space.

A stained private fence with black planters and bright blooms that instantly refresh the space.

A stained private fence with black planters and bright blooms that instantly refresh the space.

A stained fence with bright blue tin cans attached, with bold blooms and greenery at the bottom is a cool vertical garden to try.

A stained fence with bright blue tin cans attached, with bold blooms and greenery at the bottom is a cool vertical garden to try.

A white wall with cobalt blue planters and pink and red blooms plus lanterns is an amazing decoration that feels Mediterranean.

A white wall with cobalt blue planters and pink and red blooms plus lanterns is an amazing decoration that feels Mediterranean.

A white planked fence with color block planters and neutral and pastel blooms is a very cool and eye-catchy vertical garden alternative.

A white planked fence with color block planters and neutral and pastel blooms is a very cool and eye-catchy vertical garden alternative.

A white wall done with colorful planters and flowers is a fun and cool way to fill in a blank wall.

A white wall done with colorful planters and flowers is a fun and cool way to fill in a blank wall.

A planked fence with colorful planters and greenery and blooms is a lovely decor solution for a garden, it features beautiful blooms without taking floor space.

A planked fence with colorful planters and greenery and blooms is a lovely decor solution for a garden, it features beautiful blooms without taking floor space.

A planked fence with colorful tin cans and some herbs and blooms is a very lovely and cool solution to add color and freshness to the space.

A planked fence with colorful tin cans and some herbs and blooms is a very lovely and cool solution to add color and freshness to the space.

Matching curved terracotta planters with greenery and flowers look like a whole cohesive garden styled in a vertical way.

Matching curved terracotta planters with greenery and flowers look like a whole cohesive garden styled in a vertical way.

A grey concrete wall is refreshed with planters with greenery and blooms and greenery planted at the bottom of the wall.

A grey concrete wall is refreshed with planters with greenery and blooms and greenery planted at the bottom of the wall.

A planked wall with matching planters and bright red blooms is a stylish idea for a rustic space, flowers add color to it.

A planked wall with matching planters and bright red blooms is a stylish idea for a rustic space, flowers add color to it.

A planked fence with metal holders and planters with bright blooms to enliven the space and make the fence look eye-catching.

A planked fence with metal holders and planters with bright blooms to enliven the space and make the fence look eye-catching.

A white wall with beautiful navy porcelain planters and bold pink blooms is a whole unified garden that adds interest and color to the blank space.

A white wall with beautiful navy porcelain planters and bold pink blooms is a whole unified garden that adds interest and color to the blank space.

A simple stained fence accented with colorful planters with greenery and blooms is a cool and bold rustic decor idea.

A simple stained fence accented with colorful planters with greenery and blooms is a cool and bold rustic decor idea.

A white fence done with pastel planters, with pastel blooms and greenery is a beautiful decor idea that looks charming, cute and delicate.

A white fence done with pastel planters, with pastel blooms and greenery is a beautiful decor idea that looks charming, cute and delicate.

What Fence Planters To Choose?

With the wide range of fence planter designs available, from traditional boxes to innovative ideas, the possibilities are endless. You can even create personalized fence planters that reflect your style and taste using some DIY tutorials. Play with colors and looks or go for a unified vertical garden style varying the planters on the fence. Get inspired!

Organize a whole potted garden on the fence and add some more planters under it, go for pastel blooms for a tender and subtle look.

Organize a whole potted garden on the fence and add some more planters under it, go for pastel blooms for a tender and subtle look.

A little corner with potted blooms and greenery on the ground and hanging on the fence to save some space.

A little corner with potted blooms and greenery on the ground and hanging on the fence to save some space.

A styled fence done with suspended planters with bold blooms and some more flowers growing in the flower beds under the fence.

A styled fence done with suspended planters with bold blooms and some more flowers growing in the flower beds under the fence.

Refresh your simple white fence with matching planters with flowers and make it look gorgeous and chic.

Refresh your simple white fence with matching planters with flowers and make it look gorgeous and chic.

Attach shelves to the fence and place as many pots as you want, add matching ones under the shelf and voila, a garden is ready!.

Attach shelves to the fence and place as many pots as you want, add matching ones under the shelf and voila, a garden is ready!.

A stained fence with two types of planters attached to the wall and some greenery and blooms is a lovely decoration to rock.

A stained fence with two types of planters attached to the wall and some greenery and blooms is a lovely decoration to rock.

Stained pots with bold blooms add interest to the nook without taking any space and vary the look a lot.

Stained pots with bold blooms add interest to the nook without taking any space and vary the look a lot.

A white planked fence accented with stained pots and greenery and herbs to give it a fresh feel.

A white planked fence accented with stained pots and greenery and herbs to give it a fresh feel.

A stained fence with terracotta pots with tender blooms is a catchy idea, and you can place some more planters at the bottom.

A stained fence with terracotta pots with tender blooms is a catchy idea, and you can place some more planters at the bottom.

Terracotta planters attached to the fence and a stained planter with pots at the bottom organize a whole garden without taking much space.

Terracotta planters attached to the fence and a stained planter with pots at the bottom organize a whole garden without taking much space.

Terracotta planters with bright blooms on the walls are a cool way to make the fence look bolder and catchier.

Terracotta planters with bright blooms on the walls are a cool way to make the fence look bolder and catchier.

A metal holder with white containers and white blooms to refresh the look of the fence and add a bit of curb appeal to the garden.

A metal holder with white containers and white blooms to refresh the look of the fence and add a bit of curb appeal to the garden.

White containers match the color of the fence and bold blooms add color to the space, this is a lovely cottage mini garden.

White containers match the color of the fence and bold blooms add color to the space, this is a lovely cottage mini garden.

White pallet holders with pots and blooms bring a cozy cottage feel to the fence and give you an opportunity to get a vertical garden.

White pallet holders with pots and blooms bring a cozy cottage feel to the fence and give you an opportunity to get a vertical garden.

A chaotically arranged fence garden with white planters and colorful blooms and some more pots at the bottom are a creative alternative to a usual garden.

A chaotically arranged fence garden with white planters and colorful blooms and some more pots at the bottom are a creative alternative to a usual garden.

A weathered wood fence refreshed with white planters and succulents that are a nice and chic idea for modern style.

A weathered wood fence refreshed with white planters and succulents that are a nice and chic idea for modern style.

A white planked fence with white wood planters, with purple and white flowers for a cottage or Scandinavian outdoor space.

A white planked fence with white wood planters, with purple and white flowers for a cottage or Scandinavian outdoor space.