24 Easy IKEA Mirror Hacks That Inspire
A mirror is a must for every home – you may see some in entryways, bathrooms, in makeup corners, bedrooms and all kinds of rooms. Mirrors have a range of advantages like visually enlarging the space, reflecting light and just bringing a decorative touch, it can highlight your style with its look and frame. If you need a cool mirror for your home, whatever the goal is, if you can’t find it in stores, you may grab an IKEA piece and hack it, here are some ideas!
IKEA has a wide range of mirrors like Nissedal, LOTS, Hovet and many others, and you may choose any mirror you like to change it or to compose a new one. What can you do with a ready mirror to make it fit your space? First of all, you can change its frame – go for a new one, paint or cover the existing one, for example, with fabric, decoupage, staining or something else. Second, you can suspend your mirror differently – it’s usually a wall mirror and it has some hook to attach it but you may suspend it using leather belt, cord, rope or whatever you like, depending on the style of your space. Before hacking the frame or adding a new one, consider the style of your home to make it cohesive and highlight the decor.
A beautiful modern statement mirror made of IKEA Morson mirrors and a wooden frame is a gorgeous idea.
A contemporary entryway with an IKEA Hovet mirror that is lit up looks fantastic and very edgy.
A decorative mirror hack using a small mirror, an IKEA HEAT trivet and some thumbtacks.
A mirror cube made of IKEA LOTS mirrors, an adhesive for metal and glass and some other stuff is a classy option.
A rustic or coastal mirror framed with rope is always a good idea that doesn't cost a lot of money or effort.
A simple IKEA mirror transformed into a faux farmhouse window mirror to finish off a farmhouse space.
A simple round IKEA mirror hack with long white fringe to make it look more boho-like.
A statement industrial mirror made of IKEA LOTS mirrors is a bold idea for any space and it will fit many decor styles you might have.
A suspended mirror made of a usual one using an IKEA tray and some leather cord is an easy idea.
A usual IKEA mirror given a new frame that features blue and white stenciling for a chic and bold look.
One more idea is to take IKEA mirrors and compose your own one of them. IKEA Lots mirrors are ideal to create your own piece of a size and look that you like. You may also go for HONEFOSS mirror tiles as a mirror or rock an IKEA Lack table covering it with mirrors to give it a new look. Get inspired by various ideas below and hack something yourself!
A usual IKEA mirror hack with watered down glass paint to give it a fresh and edgy feel.
Add lights along the frame to an IKEA mirror for comfortable makeup and dressing up in front of it.
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