20 Dog-Friendly Garden Flowers And Plants

Dog Friendly Garden Flowers And Plants

If you are considering whether your garden is safe for your pups or not, first of all, check out the plants you have. When it comes to choosing dog safe plants and flowers, Google is going to be your best friend. Perform a quick search and you’ll find whether you should bring it home, or put it back. A word of caution: Always cross check multiple sources regarding dog toxicity, as there is sometimes conflicting evidence. So what blooms are safe for dogs?

Bee Balm

These fragrant blooms come in a variety of colors, and are known to attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Preferring a sunny location, bee balm is a perennial, and will come back each year.

Bee balm shows off beautiful whorled blooms in red, pink, purple and white and an evocative fragrance given off by foliage warmed by the sun or touched by the gardener. Plant bee balm and you can be sure of the attention of hummingbirds and bees in the summer and by seed-loving finches in the winter.

Bee balm shows off beautiful whorled blooms in red, pink, purple and white and an evocative fragrance given off by foliage warmed by the sun or touched by the gardener. Plant bee balm and you can be sure of the attention of hummingbirds and bees in the summer and by seed-loving finches in the winter.


Adding roses to your summer landscape is another beautiful and dog safe option. The Knock Out variety of roses are easy to grow, disease resistant, and relatively low maintenance. Best of all, these roses will bloom all summer!

Roses are some of the most beautiful and versatile garden plants. They come in a variety of forms, from patio roses to shrub roses, ramblers and climbers.

Roses are some of the most beautiful and versatile garden plants. They come in a variety of forms, from patio roses to shrub roses, ramblers and climbers.


These flowering shrubs take some work to establish, but once they’re firmly rooted in your garden, they’ll keep coming back each year with little effort.

Camellias prefer partial shade, and mature plants are able to survive with little watering. If the plant is brand new, it will require some watering to establish its roots.

Camellias are popular evergreen shrubs that produce a beautiful display of flowers from late winter to early spring, when little else is in flower. There are thousands of varieties to choose from, with white, pink or red flowers, which can either be single or double.

Camellias are popular evergreen shrubs that produce a beautiful display of flowers from late winter to early spring, when little else is in flower. There are thousands of varieties to choose from, with white, pink or red flowers, which can either be single or double.


These flowers aren’t just beautiful—they also help bring bees to your garden and act as a form of natural pest control that can deter beetles and other harmful bugs from infesting your edible plants. Their stunning, sun-like blooms aren’t too bad either. A dog-safe plant that’s a win-win all around!

Marigolds are cheerful, brilliantly coloured annuals that are long-standing favourite summer flowers for borders and pots. Colours are mainly yellow and orange with some reds and creamy white. All marigolds are excellent for attracting pollinating insects.

Marigolds are cheerful, brilliantly coloured annuals that are long-standing favourite summer flowers for borders and pots. Colours are mainly yellow and orange with some reds and creamy white. All marigolds are excellent for attracting pollinating insects.


These elegant pink and purple flowers look great in hanging baskets outdoors. They do best in mild, temperate climates like the Pacific Northwest, and they can remain in bloom from late spring to late fall.

Fuchsias are much-loved for their hanging, bell-shaped, bi-coloured flowers that look like colourful, dancing skirts. The flowers last all summer long and there are thousands of varieties available, in shades of white, candy pink, magenta, purple and red.

Fuchsias are much-loved for their hanging, bell-shaped, bi-coloured flowers that look like colourful, dancing skirts. The flowers last all summer long and there are thousands of varieties available, in shades of white, candy pink, magenta, purple and red.


Most people think of large, stately trees when they picture magnolias, but this dog-safe plant also grows as a bush. Most magnolia bushes offer spectacular flowers in purple, pink, or white. They do well in full sun if you can give it to them.

Magnolias are beautiful shrubs and ornamental trees that bring a touch of show-stopping glamour to the garden. Their sumptuous, tulip- or star-like flower colours range from pure white through pink to deep magenta and even yellow.

Magnolias are beautiful shrubs and ornamental trees that bring a touch of show-stopping glamour to the garden. Their sumptuous, tulip- or star-like flower colours range from pure white through pink to deep magenta and even yellow.

Creeping Thyme

Another practical herb that won’t harm your pets, thyme is a perennial plant that doesn’t need a lot of attention and is a great ground cover. Just a little water and sun, and it’s good to go. This herb pairs well with roasted vegetables, meat, soups, and potatoes.

Grow Creeping Thyme in full sun and well-drained soil in a variety of sites including rockeries, raised beds, border edges, window boxes, living walls, green roofs, and shallow pots.

Grow Creeping Thyme in full sun and well-drained soil in a variety of sites including rockeries, raised beds, border edges, window boxes, living walls, green roofs, and shallow pots.


Sunflowers are the epitome of summer. This annual plant is available in a huge range of sizes and colors. These dog-safe plants can grow several feet tall, make a great border along fences or in front of the house, and love a sunny spot with plenty of water. As sunflowers lose their bright petals, the seeds mature and attract birds through the fall.

With bright blooms that go all summer, sunflowers are heat-tolerant, resistant to pests, and attractive to pollinators. Harvest the seeds in late summer and fall for a healthy snack or for the birds!.

With bright blooms that go all summer, sunflowers are heat-tolerant, resistant to pests, and attractive to pollinators. Harvest the seeds in late summer and fall for a healthy snack or for the birds!.

Pineapple Sage

Pineapple sage smells amazing, attracts hummingbirds with its pink tubular flowers, and is a tasty addition to everything from fruit salads and salsas to sangria. It’s generally considered an annual but may come back in spring if your winter is mild enough.

Crush the leaves of Pineapple Sage to enjoy a refreshing, fruity aroma, mixed with hints of traditional sage. The strength of the scent differs depending on your region's climate.

Crush the leaves of Pineapple Sage to enjoy a refreshing, fruity aroma, mixed with hints of traditional sage. The strength of the scent differs depending on your region's climate.


Everyone loves a sunny snapdragon patch. These dog-safe plants are easy to grow from seed in full sun, and produce a range of colors from yellow to red on tall stems. They make great cut flower arrangements too.

Commonly known as snapdragons, these are easy-to-grow, old-fashioned cottage garden plants, beloved by children and bees. They come in a range of different colours and heights, and therefore can be grown in a variety of situations.

Commonly known as snapdragons, these are easy-to-grow, old-fashioned cottage garden plants, beloved by children and bees. They come in a range of different colours and heights, and therefore can be grown in a variety of situations.


Nasturtiums are my favorite annual flowers to grow for a few reasons. The flowers are edible and have a surprising spicy flavor. Nasturtiums grow in poorer soils and they do not need fertilizers, so you can plant them in the odd spots in your yard. They drape down garden boxes and rock walls with colorful elegance, and they smell like heaven.

Nasturtiums not only look spectacular but the flowers, leaves and seeds are edible, too; nasturtiums are also known as Indian cress. Nasturtiums also make good companion plants on the veg patch.

Nasturtiums not only look spectacular but the flowers, leaves and seeds are edible, too; nasturtiums are also known as Indian cress. Nasturtiums also make good companion plants on the veg patch.

What Are Other Plants Safe for Dogs?

Zinnias, petunias, aster, impatiens, Cosmos, Phlox, Coral Bells, Canna lily, white ginger and Gerber daisies, Sweet Viburnum, bottlebrush, ixora.

Petunias are among the most popular flowering annuals. They are prized for their pretty blooms that come in a variety of colors, sizes, and growth habits.

Petunias are among the most popular flowering annuals. They are prized for their pretty blooms that come in a variety of colors, sizes, and growth habits.

Impatiens are bright and cheerful annuals that can light up any dark and shady part of your yard with their colorful flowers. You can incorporate impatiens into the landscaping in a flower bed or shaded border. You can also grow them as container plants.

Impatiens are bright and cheerful annuals that can light up any dark and shady part of your yard with their colorful flowers. You can incorporate impatiens into the landscaping in a flower bed or shaded border. You can also grow them as container plants.

Cosmos fill borders with a profusion of flowers, ranging in colour from white through to pink, red and orange, in contrast with masses of feathery foliage. Shorter varieties also look good in containers and all cosmos make fantastic cut flowers.

Cosmos fill borders with a profusion of flowers, ranging in colour from white through to pink, red and orange, in contrast with masses of feathery foliage. Shorter varieties also look good in containers and all cosmos make fantastic cut flowers.

Creeping phlox is a dwarf plant that forms low-growing cushions or mats of slender evergreen leaves and turns into a blaze of colour. The range of pretty colours is extensive and includes white, lilac, mauve, purple, and pink.

Creeping phlox is a dwarf plant that forms low-growing cushions or mats of slender evergreen leaves and turns into a blaze of colour. The range of pretty colours is extensive and includes white, lilac, mauve, purple, and pink.

Canna lilies are impressive tender perennials that offer height, dramatic foliage. Often used in bedding displays, tropical borders or large containers, canna lilies are great value for money, giving years of colour and drama.

Canna lilies are impressive tender perennials that offer height, dramatic foliage. Often used in bedding displays, tropical borders or large containers, canna lilies are great value for money, giving years of colour and drama.

Gerbera daisies come in wide range of warm pinks, reds, oranges, yellows, and purples, plus a timeless white with a black center. Gerbera daisies are a popular choice for at-home gardeners due to their electric, hot colors, velvety petals.

Gerbera daisies come in wide range of warm pinks, reds, oranges, yellows, and purples, plus a timeless white with a black center. Gerbera daisies are a popular choice for at-home gardeners due to their electric, hot colors, velvety petals.

Sweet Viburnum is an evergreen shrub with large, glossy leaves. In spring it promises to bring many small, white, super fragrant blooms.

Sweet Viburnum is an evergreen shrub with large, glossy leaves. In spring it promises to bring many small, white, super fragrant blooms.

Bottlebrush is a dog safe shrub to consider for your landscape. Its fluffy red flowers, resembling a bottlebrush, will arrive from spring through summer. It’s also a cool way to attract hummingbirds to your yard.

Bottlebrush is a dog safe shrub to consider for your landscape. Its fluffy red flowers, resembling a bottlebrush, will arrive from spring through summer. It’s also a cool way to attract hummingbirds to your yard.

Ixora is a semi-tropical evergreen shrub that requires minimal care, making it a perfect addition to low maintenance landscapes. It produces bright clusters of red, orange, or yellow blooms from spring through summer.

Ixora is a semi-tropical evergreen shrub that requires minimal care, making it a perfect addition to low maintenance landscapes. It produces bright clusters of red, orange, or yellow blooms from spring through summer.

Are Succulents Safe For Dogs?

Like all plants, it’s important to research the specific variety of succulent in order to understand whether it’s safe to have around your dog, or not. Hens and Chicks is one such dog friendly succulent. Sedum offers hundreds of varieties classified as non toxic to dogs, like the Burro’s Tail. With so many dog safe succulent options, you’re sure to find something you like. As a bonus, most succulents are very easy to care for.