If you are expecting a little miracle or going to a baby shower and want to give something cool to a mom-to-be, make a stylish onesie! This roundup is dedicated to onesies made for boys, they will make your little boy look like a gentleman and will help him pull off current trends, too. Take a look at the tutorials and make some pieces for your son or for your friends’ kids!
The first craft for today is a cool striped onesie with a bow tie and suspenders – pull off that chic retro gentleman style easily! The suspenders with the clips are sewn partially onto the onesie, with the lower portion free to clip to a pair of pants/shorts. Add some jeans, switch up the bowtie and your little guy is ready to go!
DIY interchangeable bowtie onesie (via makeit-loveit.com).
Here comes the super-adorable DIY with a fabric bow! This onesie with exchangeable bow ties is just the sweetest way to welcome the little gentleman into this world. Now you have the cutest onesie with interchangeable bow ties for every occasion. And with a little more Velcro tape you can use the bows for other onesies or shirts when the baby has grown this one out. Have fun making little gentleman onesies for your own or your friends’ children!
DIY little gentleman onesie with a bowtie and suspenders (via curiousandcatcat.blogspot.com).
One of my favorite Harry Potter quotes is “It matters not what you are born but what you grow to be.” by Dumbledore from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This quote would be perfect on a baby onesie because of the words born and grow and because of its sense. Make this cute little onesie for your baby boy or for friends and all the geeks will be happy!
DIY Harry Potter inspired onesie (via simplykellydesigns.com).
It’s no secret we love constellations over here, galaxy and constellation décor is very popular now. Find out how to make these ‘papa bear’ and ‘baby bear’ t-shirt and onesie. A little Latin lesson just in case you aren’t aware – ursa is bear in Latin, so these constellations translate as big (or great) bear and little bear. Too cute, no? Enjoy making them and create a duo look with these pieces!
DIY Bear constellation print onesie (via squirrellyminds.com).
Appliqued tie onesies aren’t the best idea as the tie gets lost in baby rolls, so this tutorial will tell you how to make a onesie with a “real” tie instead. Not as practical as an applique, but definitely cute! When the tie is ready, attach it to the onesie with simple stitching and voila – a cool piece is done, dress up your little boy and go!
DIY onesie with a necktie attached (via cutesycrafts.com).
If you have some plain white onesies, you may spruce them up dying. Instead of going for the traditional rainbow/hippie tie dye look, make them over using this accordion technique. These bright onesies are done in green and navy, though you may swap up the colors to match your baby’s look. Have fun dying and make your kid look bold!
DIY accordion tie-dye onesie (via gina-michele.com).
A little tiny guy in a simple striped cardigan? With a bowtie? How can you not smile?! The bowties are attached with a snap, you can swap out whatever color bowtie you need to match your cardigan. So smooth, right? The cardigan doesn’t actually open up, so don’t panic if button holes make you nervous. And the neckline is large enough that it will still slip over baby’s head. Read the project and make this cute onesie for your kid!
DIY boy cardigan onesie with interchangeable bowties (via makeit-loveit.com).
Shibori is a very popular dying technique and it shows up amazing results. To incorporate it into your kids’ wardrobe, you can make these DIY shibori onesies that are perfect for your friends having little girls or little boys or those that are opting not to find out. The author styled them both ways to show you that indigo is perfect for all babies!
Chic DIY blue shibori onesies (via thesweetestoccasion.com).