Celestial bodies of all kinds are very popular for decor today, and stars and the moon are number one among them. Let’s follow trends and add an edgy touch to your home decor making some amazing moon decorations for your home. Let’s get started.
The first craft we are sharing is a gorgeous moon artwork made easily and fast. The piece looks really wow but it’s very easy to make: print out a moon photo from NASA and then add geometry using threads. Read the tutorial, make the piece and make the space amazing with this piece of art.
DIY moon artwork with thread geometry (via vintagerevivals.com).
I’m in love with this non-typical yet very cool moon artwork and it’s very easy to make even if you are far from being a painter. The item is made with a peachy pink backdrop and a beautiful grey moon, all spray painted! Unbelievable, right? Read how to make this artwork and enjoy the soft pastel look, which is so romantic.
DIY pastel moon artwork using spray paints (via thethingsshemakes.blogspot.com).
Moon phases are very popular as a decor theme but how to show them off beautifully? Easily! This tutorial will tell you how to make clay rounds and paint them to portray moon phases and then attach them under a frame. The artwork will take some time but the resulting piece is very cool, get inspired and make one for your mantel.
DIY moon phase wall art (via thethingsshemakes.blogspot.com).
Here’s another moon phase artwork, this time it’s embroidery. Even if you are a beginner, you’ll be able to make it as it’s simple and the tutorial tells how to make it step by step. The piece is a purple fabric piece embroidered with white thread, looks cool. Get inspired to make one and enjoy the moon phase look on your wall.
DIY embroidered moon phase wall art (via swoodsonsays.com).
Watercolor is very popular for decor, why not try to make a moon art piece in this technique? Choose any color you like and follow the instructions in the tutorial to create a watercolor moon or several moons in various colors. put them in a frame and enjoy!
DIY watercolor moon wall art (via www.inkstruck.com).
This craft is a very interesting take on moon phases done in boho chic. The pieces are made of metal rings and bold orange macramé threads, very thick ones. What you need to make is to cover the rings geometrically with the cord, which can be also made ombre. Hang them to the wall to add a unique boho touch with these moons.
DIY macrame moon phase wall art (via ludorn.de).
This minimalist moon clock looks like a real one! You won’t believe it but it’s made only of cork and a moon photo – so simple! The greyish tones and gold pointers contrast with each other in a very elegant way. Make your dwelling more stylish with such a cool moon clock and enjoy!
DIY moon clock of cork with gold pointers (via bambulablogi.blogspot.com).
Here’s another idea of a moon clock, very similar to the previous one but this one is made of a wooden round. It means that the item will be more durable and is good for those who have wood at hand and no cork. Read how to make it and don’t forget to print out some moon NASA photos.
DIY wood moon wall clock (via www.hellobee.com).
The third clock I’d like to share also portrays the moon but this one is made of fabric. The piece is made of fabric and using an embroidery hoop, great for those who know how to paint fabrics and want to work with it instead of cork or wood. Find out how to make this clock in the source.
DIY fabric moon wall clock (via www.runningwithagluegunstudio.com).
Light And Lamps
The first piece is a crescent moon light, which can be placed anywhere to accent it or in the kids’ room to excite your kids. The idea is simple: take LED lights and shape them as a crescent moon following the instructions in the tutorial. Voila!
DIY crescent moon LED light (via www.shinecrafts.com).
This cute moon lamp will be a nice companion for your kid, it can be used as a nightstand and it will make the nursery look friendlier plus it will take away the darkness, and many kids are afraid of it. This is a usual and simple Fado lamp hack using some paints. Paint any face your like to please the kids and let them enjoy.
DIY IKEA Fado lamp changed into a moon lamp (via www.johannarundel.de).
Accent your party space or many a celestial-theme room cooler with these moon phase lights! The idea is pretty simple: take usual black lights and some paints and paint moon phases on them, and voila! need more instructions? Read the tutorial.
DIY moon phase lights (via thehousethatlarsbuilt.com).
Other Ideas
Add a soft moon touch to your space as an accessory: make a cool moon pillow! The main secret here is to find moon fabric and compose a pillow that looks like a real moon – what can be cooler? Head over to the source to find out how to sew it and how to fill it and enjoy.
DIY moon pillow (via curiousandcatcat.blogspot.com).
This paper mache moon can be used as part of home decor or a party decoration, invite your kids to craft together! The craft requires some basic paper mache making skills and the final piece looks really natural, that’s what I totally like about it. Read how to make this gorgeous moon and decorate your space with it.
DIY giant paper mache moon (via www.jacksandkate.com).