All that glitters isn’t gold, and sometimes we want things to have signs of wear and tear; the patina of age. Such things look refined, distressed and absolutely in trend – you know that shabby chic accessories and decorations have been popping up during these years. We rummage through second hand shops and bake or freeze at farm auctions just to find a rusty old bucket for our garden or backyard. If you aren’t lucky enough to find one, don’t despair. You can age a new galvanized pail and turn that vision into a reality! There are lots of tutorials and techniques to try to age your metal, whatever piece you choose – a bucket, a frame, metal roofing or an old clock.
How To Age Metal (3 ways)
How can you age your metal in the simplest way? Just use some toilet cleaner! Just pour it all over your piece and use the steel wool to help evenly spread it. Set a timer for 15-20 minutes and wait for the transformation to start happening. After 15 – 20 minutes, rinse the piece with water. Help rub the toilet cleaner off of the surface as you rinse. Voila!
Another, more difficult way is to carefully mix together about a cup of vinegar, a cup of ammonia, two tablespoons of salt, a clump of steel wool (this will dissolve over time, adding oxidized steel to the mix), and a few pennies. Then just cover your piece with it for some time.
One more mix is a solution of three parts apple cider vinegar with one part salt. Make sure the salt is non-iodized, such as sea salt.
Find more techniques and ideas in the tutorials below!
DIY galvanized metal aging (via thegraphicsfairy).
DIY new hardware aging (via lovegrowswild).
DIY aging with a toilet cleaner (via prettyhandygirl).
DIY aging a metal sheet (via https:).
DIY aging a bucket (via itsallconnected).
DIY rusty aging finish (via littlehouseoffour).
DIY chippy metal finish (via maisondepax).
DIY aging metal roofing (via theshabbycreekcottage).
DIY aging galvanized metal (via stonegableblog).
DIY aging wit chalk paint and wax (via thedecoratedhouse).