Cute DIY Macrame Ghost Magnets for Your Fridge

CUTE DIY Macrame Ghost Magnets

So, Halloween is creeping up, and I couldn’t resist jumping into some spooky crafts. You know, I’ve always been that person who loves to add a bit of festive flair around the house, especially when it’s something I can DIY. And this year, I wanted to start with the kitchen. Why? Because I spend half my life there, whether it’s whipping up dinner or just standing in front of the fridge, pretending to decide what to eat. I thought, “Why not make the fridge the star of my Halloween decor?” Plus, let’s be honest, those store-bought magnets were looking a little tired.

Materials I Used

  • Cardboard (I just cut up an old cereal box—hey, recycling!)
  • Macramé cord (I had this lying around from another failed DIY attempt, ha!)
  • Black felt or foam sheet (you can totally use stiff black paper if that’s all you got)
  • Black yarn (or thread, whatever works)
  • Magnets (grab those from some old fridge magnets you don’t like anymore)
  • Hot glue gun
  • Scissors

Step By Step Guide

  1. Okay, so first, I took a jar lid—because who’s got time for compasses, right?—and traced a circle on my cardboard. Then, I drew lines straight down, to get this sort of oval-ish, half-circle thing going on. It doesn't have to be perfect. The charm of DIY is that every piece is unique!.

    Cute DIY Macrame Ghost Magnets for Your Fridge
  2. Use your scissors to carefully cut out the shape. If you’re like me and sometimes struggle with straight lines, just call it “rustic.” You can even trim it a bit more once you start adding the cord if it feels off—no biggie!.

    Cute DIY Macrame Ghost Magnets for Your Fridge
  3. This part’s easy, but let me tell you, measuring those cords was kinda like eyeballing how much spaghetti to cook. Cut a bunch of strands long enough to cover the base and leave some extra hanging down—that’s gonna be your ghost’s fringe. I didn’t measure exactly, just matched the strands to the cardboard and trimmed later. It’s not rocket science!.

    Cute DIY Macrame Ghost Magnets for Your Fridge
  4. Time to grab that trusty glue gun. Start from the outer edge and work your way in with the cord, gluing in a spiral. Honestly, I burnt my fingers like a thousand times—but hey, it’s all part of the crafting adventure, right?.

    Cute DIY Macrame Ghost Magnets for Your Fridge
  5. So now you’ve got this weird, wrapped shape. To get that cute ghostly fringe, you gotta unravel the ends of the macramé cord.

    Cute DIY Macrame Ghost Magnets for Your Fridge
  6. I used a comb to fluff them out—it’s like giving your ghost a little hairdo. A bit of patience and it started to look right.

    Cute DIY Macrame Ghost Magnets for Your Fridge
  7. I cut out two eyes and a little oval for the mouth from black felt. If you don't have felt, don’t sweat it—use whatever black material you got. I’ve even used black construction paper before when I ran out of felt. Glue those on, and suddenly your weird cord creation looks like a ghost. Spooky, but cute!.

    Cute DIY Macrame Ghost Magnets for Your Fridge
  8. Last but not least, flip those babies over and glue on your magnets. Stick 'em on, and voilà—you’ve got yourself some Halloween-ready fridge ghosts!.

    Cute DIY Macrame Ghost Magnets for Your Fridge
  9. Now, this is where you can get a little creative. I decided to make a ghostly couple—one got a top hat, the other got a little bow. I made the hat out of felt and the bow out of leftover yarn. You could even add a mustache if you're feeling fancy. Seriously, this part is just for fun, so go wild!.

    Cute DIY Macrame Ghost Magnets for Your Fridge
  10. Honestly, I had a blast making these. What I love about this project is that it’s simple enough for beginners but still looks super impressive. Plus, you can customize it however you want. Got kids? Let them help out—just keep the glue gun away from little fingers. Got a quirky sense of humor? Add some funny accessories to your ghosts.

    DIY Macrame Ghost Magnets for Halloween During the Day
  11. They looks great as during the day as during the night!.

    DIY Macrame Ghost Magnets for Halloween During the Night
    DIY Macrame Boy Ghost Magnet
    DIY Macrame Girl Ghost Magnet

Video Tutorial

These magnets are perfect for adding some spooky charm to your kitchen. Ghosts are so cool. It’s a quick, fun project that you can do on a lazy afternoon, and it’ll totally make your fridge the talk of the house. Plus, every time you open that fridge, you’ll get a little Halloween cheer. So grab some cord, fire up that glue gun, and let’s get spooky!