A detergent is a necessary thing in every household as we all do the washing. You don’t need to buy one when you can make it avoiding adding harmful and allergic chemicals and making it all-natural. Making your own detergent is also very cheap. One more good thing about handmade soaps is that you can give your clothes any smell you love adding essential oils like lemon or lavender. I’ve prepared some recipes for you to choose from.
The first tutorial is especially for those who have sensitive skin. Read the whole recipe and follow the instructions; in case you don’t fully like it, you can choose your own soap, scent crystals and completely personalize this recipe it’s very forgiving and customizable to your needs and wants.
The next craft is very healthy and is without potentially dangerous additives that can be found in most normal laundry detergents. Prepare 1 bar Fels Naptha soap, or 2 bars Kirk’s Castile soap, 2 cups washing soda and 2 cups borax.
This recipe costs just $16 and this soap will work for a long time, it’s very simple and cheap, so if you are looking for a budget-friendly version of laundry detergent, make this soap.
Washing soda helps to deodorize, but fighting grease and stains is the primary purpose. Borax is a natural stain remover and an excellent alternative to bleach, because it’s an anti-fungal/anti-mold and all-around disinfectant. Coupled with regular soap, it greatly increases cleaning power. Both of these ingredients help to make this detergent cool.
This soap is safe for the washing machine and is great for sensitive skin, even for the kids. This is a cheap laundry detergent without sacrificing quality, read the project to make it.
To make this soap you’ll need 2 cups washing soda, 2 cups borax and 1 bar zote laundry soap. The tutorial is pretty easy and fast, and you’ll be able to easily find all the ingredients.
Want a detergent with an amazing smell? Make this one with lavender! The supplies are almost the same as everywhere but you will also add 2 tbsp. lavender leaves and 20 drops lavender oil to make your clothes smell naturally pleasant. By the way, essential oils not only give a cool scent but also de-grease the clothes.
This non-allergic detergent works for 100%, so don’t hesitate to make this soap. Find all the ingredients and mix them, then put them into air-tight containers. It’s a great and burget-friendly recipe.
Don’t want to waste money? Make this laundry soap for just $3! Borax, washing soda and soap are everything you need to make this detergent, the only thing that takes time here is to grate the soap piece.
This laundry detergent has a bit different recipe, it contains lemon essential oil as it’s as a stain remover and de-greaser and vinegar. Vinegar is necessary because it helps dissolve excess detergent and salts off clothes; laundry detergent has a very alkaline pH, which can irritate skin. Using a vinegar rinse resets the pH to a skin-friendly level.
To give your laundry soap a scent you can add not only essential oils but also Purex Crystals, and this recipe will tell you what else to add, read it and realize it.
DIY laundry soap for sensitive skin (via www.lizmarieblog.com).
DIY detergent with no harmful additives (via sweetbasilnspice.blogspot.ru).
DIY all-natural soap for $16 (via mylittlecelebration.com).
DIY laundry soap with Borax and washing soda (via vanillaandlace.blogspot.ru).
DIY laundry detergent without sacrificing quality (via cherishedbliss.com).
DIY laundry detergent using Zota laundry soap (via www.starsandsunshine.com).
DIY laundry soap with lavender (via handmademood.com).
DIY cheap laundry detergent (via www.shelterness.com).
DIY laundry detergent for $3 (via www.theburlapbag.com).
DIY detergent with lemon essential oils and vinegar (via www.mommypotamus.com).
DIY laundry soap with Purex Crystals (via happymoneysaver.com).