A pinata filled with candies and other stuff like that will make most of kids happy and even some adults would love to break one and get some candies and lots of fun. If you want to make a Halloween pinata but don’t know how and what to make, here’s a bunch of DIYs to choose from!
These cute mini ghost pinatas will be not only a nice party decoration but will also bring a lot of fun to those who want that. Make them using balloons and crown them with fun party hats to make their look not only spooky but also very whimsy and joy.
DIY cute mini ghost pinatas for Halloween parties (via ohhappyday.com).
This large and fun candy corn pinata screams Halloween as there’s no holiday without these candies. It’s made of cardboard and is filled with delicious candies, and both adults and kids will have a lot of fun breaking it. Stick to the traditional candy corn candies’ colors and hang it for décor and additional fun during the party.
DIY colorful candy corn pinata for Halloween (via www.hgtv.com).
Spiders are indispensable for Halloween, and this spider pinata is ideal to remind of this holiday. The spider doesn’t look very spooky, though it’s black and with googly eyes and of course will be a nice decoration for your party, too. Break it in the end and have fun!
DIY funny black spider pinata for Halloween parties (via ohhappyday.com).
This sugar skull pinata is ideal for a Day of the Dead-inspired Halloween party. As the piece is made of cardboard, it will easily hold all the candies your put inside, so just fill it with what you like and give it any face and décor you prefer. Get inspired and complement your party décor with it!
DIY sugar skull pinata for a Day of the Dead party (via artelexia.blogspot.com).
This gorgeous Halloween ghost pinata is all about fun! I love its fun face, hands and tongue – it looks like a smile from a messenger and will make everyone feel at ease at the party. Fill it with candies if you want or just hang it as it is somewhere to create an ambience.
DIY cute and fun Halloween ghost pinata (via blog.demetres.com).
This isn’t a pinata to get hit with a stick, this is just a pretty decoration to go for. This is a fun and cute vampire fang pinata, done in red or pink and with teeth – so fun! You can make it really fast, it’s a real last-minute craft, and then place it on a table or on a food station. Get inspired!
DIY little and cute vampire fang pinata for decor only (via jenniferperkins.com).
Here’s a couple of fun and bold Halloween pinatas – an orange one with a mask (this is a jack-o-lantern) and a black and white one (this is a skull). Make as many as you want and hang them wherever you want, and let your guests have fun with these pinatas in the end of the party. Enjoy!
DIY Halloween pinatas - an orange and a monochromatic one (via www.hellowonderful.co).
Here’s a smiling and fun jack-o-lantern pinata done in bold orange, a perfect decoration and fun piece for a kids’ party this Halloween! It features a fun and smiling face done of black and white paper, which gives your space a light spirit with nothing scary – sometimes that’s exactly what we need, right?
DIY jack-o-lantern pinata for Halloween decor (via twoshadesofpink.blogspot.com).
These scary yet cute ghost pinatas in black and white are amazing for Halloween décor, they will spruce up both an adults’ and a kids’ party. Make them using paper lanterns and hang them somewhere you want, and let the guests have fun with them later. Such an easy and pretty decoration for a party!
DIY black and white ghost pinatas for Halloween (via makeandtell.com).
This simple Frankenstein pinata craft is easy to make and you can invite kids to participate. It’s made of a box, covered in green and black and with bottle lids instead of ears. Fill the whole box with cool candies of your choice and the kids will love breaking this cute and not very scary pinata.
DIY bold Frankenstein pinata for kids' Halloween parties (via www.thecraftblog.com).
What I love about this spider pinata is that it’s pretty natural yet very cute – scare your guests with it! This is a large black spider with lots of eyes on it, fill it with candies and hang it where you want. If you prefer using it for décor only, just hang it somewhere and enjoy the effect it produces.
DIY cute black spider pinata for Halloween (via www.homestolove.com.au).
Go for a classic jack-o-lantern pinata in orange and black! This tutorial with a video will tell you how to make such a piece fast, and whether you are going to use it for décor only or for breaking and having fun, too, it’s always a great idea that will fit most of parties at Halloween.
DIY carved pumpkin pinata for Halloween (via www.housebeautiful.com).
Spiders are really scary, that’s why a large tarantula pinata will scare everyone, though I hope that not too much! It’s a bold piece in orange and black and its legs look pretty natural, which makes it a perfect decoration. Fill it with candies and make it a fun during the party!
DIY large and bold tarantula pinata for Halloween (via pinataboy.com).