Picture frames are the most traditional way to display your photos, they can be placed where you want or hung on the wall. There are many types of frames, from traditional wooden to super modern floating ones, and today I’d like to share some tutorials for one more frame types – a fabric frame. Actually, the frame itself isn’t made of fabric – that would be too soft to stand but they are wrapped or attached to acrylic or wooden frames. How? Let’s see.
DIY Cardboard Photo Frames Covered With Fabric
The first idea is making a cardboard picture frame and attaching fabric with glue to it. Start with cutting out a piece of cardboard bigger than your picture. Then you’ll trace around your photo onto the middle of the cardboard. Make a smaller rectangle inside the one you just traced. I did mine about a quarter of an inch smaller. Make sure you cut out the small rectangle you just traced and not the one you first did. This is so there is a lip to hold the picture in. It’s easier to use your blade instead of scissors. Now you can start covering the cardboard with fabric. Lay out your fabric face down with the cardboard on top. Cut an X in the middle from corner to corner and trim away excess fabric. Then, on the outer edges, to get a nice mitered corner, fold the corner in first, glue, and fold the sides in. Repeat on all corners and sides.
DIY Wooden Photo Frames Covered With Fabric
To make a wooden fabric frame, choose your fabric and lay it out. Place your frame face down and grab your pen. Trace the shape of your frame onto your fabric; both the inside and along the outside. Using your scissors, cut out the shape of your frame on your fabric. Try and stay as close to the line as possible, as the shape will need to be pretty precise. Grab your Mod Podge and spread a thin layer across the top of your frame. it may dry quickly, so feel free to add a second layer. when you’ve evenly spread your Mod Podge, place your fabric on top of your frame and press firmly. you may notice a few wrinkles, but those can be “pushed out” by simply running your finger across the fabric from end to end. let dry for 15mins.
Find other cool ideas and tutorials below!
DIY mini fabric photo frames (via flaxandtwine).
DIY burlap photo frame (via build-basic).
DIY scrap fabric covered picture frame (via makinghomebase).
DIY cheerful patterned photo frames (via ideas).
DIY fabric covered wooden frame (via scrapnframes).
DIY washable fabric photo frames (via instructables).
DIY heart-shaped wooden frame covered with fabric (via thewonderforest).
DIY wooden fabric covered frame (via momtastic).
DIY cardboard fabric picture frame (via wikihow).
DIY wooden fabric photo frame (via sondralynathome).
DIY fabric cardboard picture frame (via abernathycrafts).
DIY repurposed fabric frame (via closerweekly).