Many girls love makeup, especially eye makeup – all those dark, ink-like liquid eyeliners and jet-black mascaras but all this stuff is difficult to take off. Eye makeup removers bought at stores contain potentially harmful substances in addition to the necessary preservatives to keep it shelf-stable, while the skin around your eyes in very thin and can be easily harmed. Forget dangerous chemicals going for all-natural DIY eye makeup removers!
When it comes to makeup removal, are you the perfect combination of skint and lazy? Waking up looking like sexy racoon from the wrong side of the tracks can now be a thing of the past with this handy DIY eye-makeup remover tutorial. Presto. Use the pad to gently wipe all your eye makeup off. You now have an all-natural, effective eye makeup remover at a fraction of the price. Go forth and mascara to your heart’s content.
DIY oil-based eye makeup remover (via
The oil cleansing method relies on the theory that clean oil is the best way to draw out the dirt and oil that clogs pores. It also does not strip your skin of its oils, which would trigger your skin to produce more oils, in turn clogging your pores and also creating an excessively oily face. That’s why this eye makeup remover contains oils, vitamin E oil to cleanse, moisturize, and fight aging, witch hazel to really get at that hard to remove mascara, and water to dilute everything and lessen the astringency of the witch hazel. Read how to make it in the source.
DIY eye makeup remover with Vitamin E and olive oil (via
Ditch the toxins that are in most store bought eye makeup removers and make your own instead! If you need to take off mascara and eye liner, this one is ideal. This recipe includes several tutorials on different types of homemade makeup remover including waterproof mascara, choose the ingredients that you like and go for them!
DIY eye makeup remover for those who avoid coconut oil (via
It’s very simple to mix up an effective homemade eye makeup remover that contains only a few ingredients, all of which are totally safe. This witch hazel makeup remover will last a week or two and you should make sure the ingredients you are using around your sensitive eye area stay fresh and uncontaminated in their original container for as long as possible. If you can sew a little bit, it’s pretty easy to make your own reusable makeup pads out of some cotton flannel or hemp fabric.
DIY non-toxic eye makeup remover with jojoba oil and Vitamin E (via
Skip expensive store-bought eye makeup removers and mxi up your own one using only fresh and healthy ingredients – rose water and jojoba oil. This combination is extremely simple, inexpensive, and much more nourishing for your skin than anything else out there. Jojoba oil can be a bit expensive, though you won’t need much, and it moisturizes your skin very well.
DIY super simple eye makeup remover of 2 ingredients (via
This cool eye makeup remover is ideal for those of you who can’t use coconut oil for some reasons (it often causes breakouts). It uses jojoba oil and witch hazel, which are easy to get and won’t cost that much. Witch hazel is a gentle and effective skin cleanser. The nourishing oil helps dissolve oil and cleanse the face. When paired together, the ingredients are gentle on the skin (concealer foundation, powder, and blush) and the eye area (mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow). Use caution around the eye area. Avoid using this recipe in your eye–this can happen when too much solution is applied.
DIY witch hazel eye makeup remover (via
Those conventional, store-bought make-up remover towelettes have to use harsh chemicals to remove make-up, which can make skin dry or prone to breakouts. But really, the make-up, dirt and grime on your face all contain the natural oils that your body naturally produces. This is the best DIY Make-Up Remover made with just 2 easy, inexpensive ingredients. It’s also gentle, safe and effective for eye make-up and mascara. Almond oil is an excellent base for this DIY make-up remover. It’s made from pressed almond, and very nourishing to the skin. It won’t clog pores, and promotes clear, soft, healthy skin. Essential oils provide a natural, non-toxic fragrance and help to soothe skin. Enjoy!
DIY tear-free eye makeup remover using baby shampoo (via
Those who use make-up remover are likely wearing make-up on a daily basis, which means the persistence and bio-accumulation issues should be a concern. If we can ditch unnecessary chemicals – no matter how big or small – and replace them with something that’s just as effective and healthy and quite likely already in our homes, why not give it a try? This tutorial will tell you about the best natural oils to remove your makeup and you may choose various combos to remove your own makeup.
DIY natural eye makeup remover with various oils (via
Do you love putting on eye makeup but have a hard time removing it? Don’t like to buy expensive eye makeup remover? Worry no more because here are 5 DIY eye makeup remover recipes you can do all by yourself! These tutorials include various types of natural oils, from jojoba to almond, so that you could choose the best option for you, craft and just go for it.
5 DIY eye makeup removers with various ingredients (via
Eating a diet that decreases the inflammation in your body, balances your hormones and gut microbiome, is one of the best things you can do to have beautiful, glowing skin. What you put on your skin is the other part of the equation; and having a cleansing routine that uses safe and natural ingredients is another important piece in keeping your pores clear, minimizing lines and wrinkles, while restoring a dewy, youthful appearance. Most makeup is made with a base of oils. Using an oil to help break up and dissolve oil is an effective means of cleaning them from your skin. Use the following recipes when you want to remove your (non-toxic) makeup and eye makeup. Look for cold-pressed and organic oils whenever possible as they are the best ones.
DIY eye makeup remover with jojoba and coconut oil (via