We are starting a new year with cleaning like many of us! After all these parties and much fun our homes really need some cleaning and disinfecting. But what if you don’t want any chemicals in your home? Or you are allergic to some of them and can’t use commercial cleaners? Then homemade versions come to help you! This roundup includes the best disinfectant sprays you can make, and there are DIYs for yoga stuff, for fridges and for many other things.
Number one tutorial for today is a disinfectant spray for fridges. Why for them? Because food goes bad too fast and to keep your fridge odorless and clean you’ll have to clean it deeply. How to deep clean your fridge easily and fast without much effort? This spray will help. Vinegar and dish soap will clean it and some refreshing essential oils (lemon, for example) will make it feel fresh.
DIY disinfectant spray for fridges (via hellonest.co).
Workout gear needs disinfecting, too! Germs are everywhere and as they’re transferred mostly by touch and can stick around for days after contact, that means it’s time to give your gear a good scrub down. Use this spray to clean everything you need: rubbing alcohol and white vinegar will clean up anything! Add your favorite essential oils to make the gear smell fresh.
DIY workout gear cleaner and disinfectant (via helloglow.co).
Forget any commercial antibacterial sprays with this natural disinfectant! You don’t need any harsh chemicals to achieve a clean surface with no germs. This spray includes lemon peels and vodka – a simple and all-natural combo. Lemon peels have antibacterial properties and vodka is a fantastic natural disinfectant and sanitizer. The combo of these two is right what you need to make your home super clean and cool.
DIY all-natural disinfectant spray with lemon peels (via dontmesswithmama.com).
A modern home really needs cleaning and disinfecting, and a spray is a cool and fast way to do that, it will save you much time – remove all the dirt, grease and dust with it! This spray includes vodka, which can be substituted with rubbing alcohol and white vinegar to make sure that all kinds of germs are removed, and this is a multi-purpose spray, which can be used in many occasions.
DIY disinfectant spray with vinegar and vodka (via livesimply.me).
This disinfectant spray is super natural and has a wonderful smell as it’s made of only essential oils. What’s so great about it? It’s non-toxic, it’s a powerful cleaner that eliminates stinky odors and shines countertops, faucets, and doorknobs. Read the properties of each essential oil in the source and choose your own mix combining them as you want. Get inspired!
DIY disinfectant spray of only essential oils (via oneessentialcommunity.com).
Some essential oils and white vinegar are a nice combo for a DIY disinfectant spray. You can find the properties of each oil in the source and if you don’t like vinegar, you can substitute it with rubbing alcohol or vodka but first test your spray on a small surface. Read the tutorial and make your spray for cleaning and disinfecting.
DIY disinfecting spray of vinegar and essential oils (via www.diynetwork.com).
Don’t have time to make a spray and all those ingredients a hand? Make this super fast and super simple mix to enjoy clean surfaces in your home. The spray contains hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of essential oils for scent, which is optional. Make it fast and clean anything you want, though better start from a small spot.
DIY 2-ingredient disinfectant spray (via www.onegreenplanet.org).
This disinfectant spray is great for cleaning your kitchen countertops as it’s absolutely safe for stone and quartz surfaces. It includes castile soap, which is gentle cleaner, and vodka, which is a cool antibacterial means that doesn’t cost much. Make your disinfectant spray for everyday kitchen use!
DIY all-purpose cleaner for stone and quartz surfaces (via craftingthegoodlife.com).