Need a bed? Of course you can buy it or you can make it yourself to save some money and personalize it as much as you want, plus your DIY bed will perfectly fit your needs. Here are some DIYs that will tell you how to make different beds, choose your project and realize it!
This is one of the quickest, most simple projects that makes such an enormous difference. Line up the pieces around the mattress and drill three pilot holes along the side at each corner where the boards will connect. Need more details? Read the project.
Very simple DIY bed frame of wood (via
Slat beds are ubiquitous in Europe, and becoming increasingly popular in New Zealand. In America, however, they remains somewhat unusual. As evidence of this, search for them on the Internet and you’re bound to find at least one person recommending that you just slip a sheet of plywood under your mattress and get all the benefits of a slat bed – don’t believe them! make your own one using this instruction.
DIY king size slat bed (via https:).
This is a very easy piece to build so it is perfect if you are a beginner! This plan is for a full size bed but it is very easy to adjust the measurements to accommodate another size. The whole piece cost about $55 while the original West Elm bed cost like $500.
DIY platform bed of reclaimed wood (via
This cool modern bed with bedside tables included looks luxurious! The cost of the materials was around $400, but these are huge savings compared to buying a bed that looks like this. Read the tutorial to make one!
DIY platform bed with floating nightstands (via
This gorgeous rustic bed is built of reclaimed wood. It’s big, comfy and platformed, you can incorporate drawers inside it if you want. The project isn’t that easy but you can still make it, read the tutorial and watch the video for more details.
DIY rustic king size bed (via
This modern pipe bed frame has a clean and edgy look. It’s easy to make, and if you get your pipe cut ahead of time you can probably assemble this bed in a matter of hours! This design will work well for a twin and full size mattress. If you want to build the frame for a larger mattress, no problem, just add an additional support down the middle of the frame.
DIY pipe bed frame for an industrial bedroom (via https:).
The flush paneled sides and lack of drawer pull hardware give this bed a sleek modern look. A tremendous amount of useful storage space is obtained by adding the drawers underneath the bed. Read the instructions and make one!
DIY simple platform bed with storage drawers (via
Hairpin legs are very trendy today, and there are many furniture pieces with them. make your own bed with such legs and it will add a chic modern feel to the bedroom. The bed feels pretty sturdy and the height is just right. Follow the instructions to make it.
DIY modern bed with hairpin legs (via
This cute farmhouse bed in teal color can be made by you! This bed plan is a must read, as the construction is a tad different to accommodate no 4×4 posts and an easier method of joining the siderails with the headboard.
DIY farmhouse teal bed (via
Storage is important in modern homes, and this DIY bed is right what you need: it has a lot of storage space inside and is pretty easy to build. You can place drawers or baskets for storage inside or just use these compartments as you want.
DIY platfrom bed with storage baskets inside (via