Flower Covered House Exteriors

Flower Covered House Exteriors

Flower Covered House Exteriors

These Flower Houses are two of the few houses left among the condos at Alki Beach in Seattle, Washington. They are gorgeous landmarks that add some charm to the whole neighborhood. Everybody enjoy to pass them by. Although imagine, how hard is to maintain all these beauty? 
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Stylish Indoor Rainwater Harvester

Stylish Indoor Rainwater Harvester

Stylish Indoor Rainwater Harvester

This stylish and amazingly charming rainwater harvester is a perfect solution for use on balconies, in small gardens and even indoors. Its design is inspired by a drop of water and the product fits on all round drainage tubes of 70 and 80mm in diameter. The harvester features an integrated watering can fills up automatically... 
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House That Inspired Tony Stark’s Home In Ironman Movie

House That Inspired Tony Stark’s Home In Ironman Movie

House That Inspired Tony Stark’s Home In Ironman Movie

Even though this house isn’t the one that was showed in the Ironman movie it’s quite similar to it anyway. Tony Stark’s house doesn’t exist while this one is very real. Some people say that this house inspired creators of Tony Stark’s house. Razor Residence is constructed from white polished concrete and floor-to-ceiling glass. It... 
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10 Creative Pet Living Accommodations

10 Creative Pet Living Accommodations

10 Creative Pet Living Accommodations

It’s nice to see when your pet have a friendly and good looking place for eating and sleeping. There are a lot of beautiful and style pet beds available out there but with some creativity you can make one by yourself. You can even adapt your existing furniture or some vintage suitcase or boxes for... 
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Luxury Ceramic Caravan Dog House

Luxury Ceramic Caravan Dog House

Luxury Ceramic Caravan Dog House

If you live in a contemporary house, like all things modern and have a little dog living with you then you definitely need a modern dog house. Luxury ceramic Caravan dog house designed by Marco Morosini as a part of his Dog is a God Room collection is the product that will serve you well.... 
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