Dream House With Several Green Roofs

Dream House With Several Green Roofs

Dream House With Several Green Roofs

This large multilayered four storey house is located on the island of Sentosa adjacent to Singapore. It tries its best to break down the volume into human scale spaces with interaction with gardens and greenery at all levels. Each roof garden provide a base for the storey above allowing the layered effect to make each... 
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DIY Recycled Pallet Headboard

DIY Recycled Pallet Headboard

DIY Recycled Pallet Headboard

Here is one more wonderful idea for recycling wood pallets. You can make a Scandinavian-style headboard from it. Such headboard is really easy to make you just need to sand one or two pallets and place them behind a bed. You can also paint them to achieve more modern look. As we all know, wood... 
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TRON Legacy Interiors

TRON Legacy Interiors

TRON Legacy Interiors

Only recently I’ve watched TRON Legacy movie and interior of the Kevin Flynn’s living space is something unforgettable. That glowing hideout at the edge of the TRON universe shows how digital-age decor should look like. It features truly futuristic minimalist design and furnished with with timeless designs including the Barcelona chair by Ludwig Mies van... 
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