11 Simple DIY Kitty Litter Boxes And Loos From IKEA Units

11 Simple DIY Kitty Litter Boxes And Loos From IKEA Units

If you are a happy owner of a cat or cats, then of course you are puzzling over kitty loos and ways to hide them, it’s essential. IKEA has lots of units, inside which you can hide a kitty litter box or loo, and just some makeover will be needed. Metod cabinet, Billy bookcase, Hol... 
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Fun DIY Ewok No Sew Dog Costume

Fun DIY Ewok No Sew Dog Costume

Fun DIY Ewok No Sew Dog Costume

Star Wars fans, wanna have some fun? Make an Ewok costume for your dog – no sewing required! Prepare 1/2 yard of brown knit fabric, a short length of twine and scissors. The size of your piece of fabric will be highly dependent on the size of your dog, obviously. Cut out the rectangle of... 
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Cute DIY Fish-Shaped Cat Toy With Catnip

Cute DIY Fish-Shaped Cat Toy With Catnip

Cute DIY Fish-Shaped Cat Toy With Catnip

Every kitty needs a toy or two, and we’ve already shared some cool DIYs. Today we are sharing one more cool idea from dans-le-townhouse.blogspot.ca, prepare scrap fabric, fusible interfacing, thread, catnip (10-20 grams), a sewing machine, a needle and scissors. Cut out one of the lone cowboys, leaving enough fabric for a half inch seam... 
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DIY Mouse-Shaped Cat Toy Of Felt

DIY Mouse-Shaped Cat Toy Of Felt

DIY Mouse-Shaped Cat Toy Of Felt

Your kitties need cool toys! For this amazing cat toy you’ll need felt or sweater scrap, scissors, thread and needle, wool for filling, wool string. Fold a piece of felt and loosely cut a mouse shape through both sides. Make a few stitches for the eyes on each one, then turn on the wrong side... 
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