If you want to get a cute and cheap birdbath for your garden you can use some of your old pots for that. Add a base and a bowl and you won’t need anything else. Prime, spray paint and cover with lacquer spray all these things and you’re ready to assemble the birdbath. That’s easy....
If it’s very hot where you live then you need some sun protection to spend time outdoors. The sun shade can be made of two metal poles, pvc pipes, some pvc pieces, fabric and an assortment of hardware. The whole project will cost you less than $200. Visit secretpieshoppe for full instructions.
Who would have thought, that chicken wire could be used to make a good looking chandelier. It can be bought at the Dollar Store so the chandelier won’t cost you much. For the project you’ll also need craft wire, a hanging tomato planter, moss, tea lights, small birds/butterflies, magnetic chandelier crystals, a wood branch, pliers,...
If you have several good-looking tree stumps lying around in your garden you can make them useful and even better looking. To do that you’ll need pillow filler, staple gun and cute fabrics. Instructions Cut a fabric circle about 2 inch larger than a tree stump you gonna put it on. Staple some pillow filler...
Joey & Nicole Scibetta has managed to make a very nice smoker inspired by a moker that Alton Brown has made from ceramic pots in his video. You simply need to buy all the things mentioned below and assemble them together. The video give quite decent instructions but you can also read them on jokeandcoke...
Shadow boxes are great decorations as of a wooden fence as of a brick wall. They also provide some additional storage space and are great to display some of your indoor plants during the summer season. These shadow boxes are made of crates bought at a craft store for less than $10 each. They are...
Every time I see these wood slice garden paths I want to have a garden to make there something similar. They aren’t hard to make but looks really great. You just need to find some wood logs to cut two inch disks of them. They all will be in different sizes so each path would...
If you have a shed in your backyard you might to consider make it looks cute. This simple window shutters can become a simple upgrade that will dramatically improve its look. The shutters on the pictures are made of old fence panels cut to size with some left-overs screwed to them. They are also primed...
Do you know that several wood pieces and a coffee can is more than enough to make a stylish birdhouse for your backyard? Such house is simple to build, cost pennies to make and is very easy to clean out after nesting season. If you like the idea to recycle at least one of these...
If you want to spread some candle light around the yard it’s a great idea to make a set of candle lanterns. Here, for example, are candle lanterns that remind Tiki torches and made of glass hurricanes and vases from a thrift store. They are quick, easy and cheap to make so don’t hesitate to...