Window boxes are great things to upgrade your outdoor living space. The cool think about them is that they are also very practical. You can plant there flowers and they would simply make you happier with their charming look but you can also plant there herbs which will be very useful for your cooking. Those...
Repurposing and reusing old things isn’t a new idea. Although using old shoes as planters for some people is. This solution is useful for a small backyard garden because sometimes there isn’t enough open ground space and you don’t need to spend money on containers. Besides, you might know the feeling when you don’t want...
How to make a cool industrial armchair of just some simple materials like a mat or a pipe? You’ll need a rubber mat, some metal pipes, instruments and nails. Take the pipes and give them a shape you like – for example, here it’s a lounge chair shape. To fix the mat on the pipes...
Getting ready for spring and coming summer? Let’s make a funky fence of recycled materials that would make your yard peculiar. All you need to do is to take recycled glass bottles of different colors and put them on steel poles, you could easily do that yourself. I really like the harmonious choice of blue...
If you want to go green you definitely need to make a DIY rain-collection barrel. With it you can get and store some free water to help your flowers, grass and a garden thrive. Such barrel is easy to make and won’t cost much. The idea is to place a container below a downspout and...
Do you like the look of fire columns from Restoration Hardware? If so then you can make similar outdoor concrete fire columns by yourself. They are much cheaper but would share the same look. They are perfect to add some ambiance for your relaxing on a patio. For the project you’ll need a Quick Tube,...
We showed you several projects to make concrete planters that are perfect to use outdoors. These concrete stepping stones would be a nice addition to them. They are even easier to make than these planters. You just need some simple plastic square moulds and leaves. Just pour concrete in them and press some fallen leaves...
Outdoor lamp should withstand harsh weather. Keep that in mind when you’re making such lamps by yourself. For example, you can use a clay pot as a lamp shade. You definitely won’t need to bring a lamp with such lamp shade in from the rain. To make the lamp you’ll also need a chain and...
Usually when we think about outdoor water gardens we imagine those gardens that occupy a quite large area in a backyard and of course can’t be moved. Although there is a way to make a portable water garden that you can place at your patio, on a small balcony or anywhere else. The idea is...
Furniture that looks natural is perfect for outdoor areas. This outdoor table definitely looks natural because it’s made of several wood logs. It can be used as a plants display stand as for serving snacks. To make this awesome outdoor table you’ll need a bunch of fallen trees or thick branches, a bow saw, a...