How To Design a Girl’s Room

How To Design a Girl’s Room
It isn’t the only solution to paint everything in pink when you design a room for a little girl. There are many other ways to impress your child. Walls and Floor You can choose any wallpaper you like. Although keep in mind that you can decorate pale wallpaper with mirrors, drawings, toys, and other things... 
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How To Fresh Up Wooden Furniture

How To Fresh Up Wooden Furniture
Next time you put a scratch on your bellowed wooden furniture, don’t be sorry about it. Folks from Apartment Therapy found the way to undo the damage and fresh the wooden surface up. The trick work on vintage furniture very well so if you have some old objects, it’s easy to fresh them up. All... 
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How To Decorate an Ugly Radiator With Patterns

How To Decorate an Ugly Radiator With Patterns
A lot of apartments have ugly radiators that are hard to change. The best way here is to decorate them somehow to hide their unattractiveness. The simplest way to do that is to paint them with some patterns. To paint radiators with your sketches you need to print your design on paper first. Lay a... 
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